09/09/1994 |
P and Brisbane South Regional Health Authority |
15/06/2018 |
P06DKS and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 29 (15 June 2018) |
17/11/2020 |
P17 and Queensland Corrective Services [2020] QICmr 68 (17 November 2020) |
28/11/2024 |
P21 and Energex Limited [2024] QICmr 68 (28 November 2024) |
02/02/2023 |
P22 and Metro South Hospital and Health Service [2023] QICmr 5 (2 February 2023) |
02/07/2024 |
P25 and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2024] QICmr 30 (2 July 2024) |
13/10/2020 |
P44 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 59 (13 October 2020) |
05/09/2023 |
P45 and Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services [2023] QICmr 46 (5 September 2023) |
08/10/2018 |
P4F8XC and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2018] QICmr 41 (8 October 2018) |
19/02/2024 |
P52 and Fraser Coast Regional Council [2024] QICmr 7 (19 February 2024) |
23/10/2024 |
P54 and Brisbane City Council [2024] QICmr 54 (23 October 2024) |
12/11/2024 |
P55 and Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development [2024] QICmr 59 (12 November 2024) |
01/07/2021 |
P60 and Department of Education [2021] QICmr 35 (1 July 2021) |
02/05/2024 |
P62 and Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service [2024] QICmr 17 (2 May 2024) |
06/12/2019 |
P64 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 56 (6 December 2019) |
31/01/2012 |
P6Y4SX and Department of Police |
11/09/2015 |
P6Y4SX and Queensland Police Service [2015] QICmr 25 (11 September 2015) |
23/04/2021 |
P80 and Queensland Building and Construction Commission; F80 (Third Party) [2021] QICmr 17 (23 April 2021) |
03/12/2024 |
P82 and Department of Housing and Public Works [2024] QICmr 70 (3 December 2024) |
25/09/2020 |
P83 and Brisbane City Council [2020] QICmr 55 (25 September 2020) |
11/05/2022 |
P86 and Queensland Police Service [2022] QICmr 25 (11 May 2022) |
30/10/2024 |
P88 and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service [2024] QICmr 57 (30 October 2024) |
27/05/2021 |
P90 and Brisbane City Council [2021] QICmr 23 (27 May 2021) |
21/09/2012 |
Pallara Action Group Inc and Brisbane City Council |
21/12/2009 |
Palmer and Gold Coast City Council (210813) |
13/09/2018 |
Palmer and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 38 (13 September 2018) |
03/10/2019 |
Palmer and Townsville City Council [2019] QICmr 43 (3 October 2019) |
31/08/1998 |
PAR and Department of Police |
23/07/2020 |
Park and Moreton Bay Regional Council & Ors [2020] QICmr 39 (23 July 2020) |
07/03/2017 |
Parnell and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 8 (7 March 2017) |
13/10/2010 |
Parsons and Department of Police (210003) |
09/10/1996 |
PAS and Brisbane South Regional Health Authority |
01/08/1996 |
PAS and Department of Police |
24/11/2011 |
Patrick and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310478) |
31/05/2005 |
Patullo and Whitsunday Shire Council |
25/09/2002 |
Paussa and Hervey Bay City Council |
17/06/1999 |
PCL and Department of Police; Zane (Third Party) |
09/02/2009 |
PDE and The University of Queensland |
19/02/2009 |
PDE and The University of Queensland |
28/06/2002 |
Pearce and Department of Police |
04/11/1999 |
Pearce and Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority; Various Landholders (Third Parties) |
29/05/2007 |
Pemberton and Brisbane City Council |
23/09/2008 |
Pemberton and The University of Queensland |
05/12/1994 |
Pemberton and The University of Queensland |
09/10/2020 |
Pennisi and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2020] QICmr 58 (9 October 2020) |
08/06/2010 |
Pentecost and Department of Health (210590) |
30/11/2010 |
Pentecost and Department of Health (210906) |
27/10/2020 |
Peregian West Community Association - 220121 |
22/09/2000 |
Perkins and Queensland Rail |
16/03/2009 |
Pflugrath and Gympie Regional Council |
23/04/1998 |
Phillips Fox Solicitors and Education Queensland |
31/08/2011 |
Phyland and Department of Police (310548) |
16/02/2017 |
Pluta and Queensland Rail [2017] QICmr 4 (16 February 2017) |
18/07/1994 |
Pope and Department of Health; Hammond (Third Party) |
18/07/1994 |
Pope and Department of Health; Robbins (Third Party) |
19/08/1994 |
Potter and Brisbane City Council |
31/08/2017 |
Poxon and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 40 (31 August 2017) |
16/03/2023 |
Poyton and Department of Education [2023] QICmr 13 (16 March 2023) |
13/12/2016 |
Poyton and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2016] QICmr 50 (13 December 2016) |
01/05/2024 |
PPM Tax & Legal Pty Ltd and Queensland Treasury [2024] QICmr 16 (1 May 2024) |
02/04/2007 |
Practical Computer Services Pty Ltd and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.; Simpson (Third Party); Montgomery (Fourth Party) |
28/11/1995 |
Presotto and Department of Transport |
21/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
22/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
28/03/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
20/06/2003 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
15/06/2004 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
27/01/2006 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
28/03/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
21/02/2003 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
22/09/2006 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
25/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
26/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
14/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
20/11/2002 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
02/06/2004 |
Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission |
17/02/1999 |
Price and Criminal Justice Commission |
08/05/2003 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
12/03/2002 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
19/12/2000 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
28/03/2002 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
19/06/2003 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
29/08/2003 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
19/02/1999 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
25/11/1999 |
Price and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
27/10/1997 |
Price and Department of Mines and Energy |
30/10/2000 |
Price and Department of Mines and Energy |
27/10/2000 |
Price and Department of Mines and Energy |
31/10/2002 |
Price and Department of Police |
29/06/2001 |
Price and Department of Police |
27/02/2009 |
Price and Department of Police |
11/12/1998 |
Price and Department of Police |
26/07/2004 |
Price and Department of Police |
30/10/2002 |
Price and Department of Police |
29/10/2002 |
Price and Department of Police |
26/07/2004 |
Price and Department of Police |
06/02/2003 |
Price and Department of Police |
18/12/2000 |
Price and Department of Police |
13/11/2002 |
Price and Department of Police |
28/10/2002 |
Price and Department of Police |
29/06/2007 |
Price and Department of Police; (Decision currently under Judical Review) |
24/10/1997 |
Price and Director of Public Prosecutions |
23/12/2003 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
05/06/2007 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
17/05/2005 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
14/03/2006 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
02/03/2007 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
05/06/2007 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
30/06/2003 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
15/05/2007 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
27/06/2000 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
01/02/2002 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
15/05/2007 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
07/08/2002 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
28/05/2003 |
Price and Gatton Shire Council |
17/05/2001 |
Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc. |
29/06/2001 |
Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc. |
29/06/2001 |
Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc. |
12/08/2000 |
Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.; Affirmed in subsequent proceeding under the Judicial Review Act 1991 Qld) |
30/06/1999 |
Price and Nominal Defendant |
13/02/2009 |
Price and Nominal Defendant |
24/02/2003 |
Price and Nominal Defendant |
24/11/1999 |
Price and Nominal Defendant |
11/11/2021 |
Price and Rockhampton Regional Council [2021] QICmr 59 (11 November 2021) |
23/11/2000 |
Price and Surveyors' Board of Queensland |
31/01/2001 |
Price and Surveyors' Board of Queensland |
26/08/1999 |
Price and Surveyors' Board of Queensland |
24/10/1997 |
Price and Surveyors' Board of Queensland |
12/07/1999 |
Price and Treasury Department |
14/06/2005 |
Primrose and Cooloola Shire Council |
14/12/2022 |
Prisoners Legal Service and Queensland Corrective Services [2022] QICmr 54 (14 December 2022) |
24/04/2001 |
Prisoners' Legal Service Inc. and Department of Corrective Services |
27/03/1997 |
Prisoners' Legal Service Inc. and Queensland Corrective Services Commission |
08/07/2010 |
Pryor and Logan City Council (270008) |
09/02/2004 |
Purvey and The University of Queensland |
31/01/2008 |
PYT and Department of Education, Training and the Arts; FHR and TQP (Third Parties) |