Price and Gatton Shire Council

Application number:
2001 L0004 & Ors
Decision date:
Friday, Feb 01, 2002

Price and Gatton Shire Council
(2001 L0004, 1 February 2002)

Price and Gatton Shire Council
(2001 L0005, 1 February 2002) 

These applications substantially mirrored previous applications made by the applicant for the same documents, that had been dealt with in a decision by the Deputy Information Commissioner dated 27 June 2000. The applicant did not seek to narrow the scope of his access application, which was wide ranging and sought access to many categories of documents. 

Assistant Commissioner Shoyer upheld the Council's refusal to deal with the access application under s.28(2) of the FOI Act, on the basis that dealing with the access application would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the Council from the performance of its functions.