Community members

The Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) promotes awareness and understanding of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

Under this legislation Queensland government agencies make information available to the public:

  • proactively where possible through agency publication schemes – which set out the kinds of information that are routinely available, generally on an agency’s website
  • in response to a request to an agency through an administrative access scheme for specific types of agency information – for example a person’s medical records
  • as a last resort, through legislative access processes, where an agency decision maker can carefully consider whether disclosure would be contrary to the public interest

The Information Privacy Act 2009 recognises the importance of protecting the personal information of individuals. It creates a right for individuals to access and amend their own personal information and provides rules for how agencies may and must handle personal information.

A range of information and resources have been developed for members of the community, including:

What if your privacy is breached

A privacy breach can occur when there is a failure to comply with one or more of the privacy principles set out in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). This guide will help you in identifying a few key steps you can take to minimise your risk of harm.

What to do if you’re affected by a privacy breach

Information sheets


RTI and IP contact details for departments

Other complaint agencies

Find out which organisations may be able to help you with some of the issues which OIC has no jurisdiction.


Quatrix is a temporary secure online portal which allows the transfer of electronic files, such as documentation for external review purposes.