A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
23/06/1998 C and Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry
08/05/2012 C01MAA and The Public Trustee of Queensland
25/07/2024 C44 and Queensland Corrective Services [2024] QICmr 31 (25 July 2024)
29/07/2021 C56 and Non-State Schools Accreditation Board; Independent School (Third Party) [2021] QICmr 38 (29 July 2021)
15/05/2024 C63 and Department of the Premier and Cabinet [2024] QICmr 18 (15 May 2024)
17/08/2021 C64 and Queensland Police Service [2021] QICmr 43
26/09/2023 C65 and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2023] QICmr 53 (26 September 2023)
22/03/2024 C72 and Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority [2024] QICmr 12 (22 March 2024)
07/04/2020 C79 and Legal Aid Queensland [2020] QICmr 20 (7 April 2020)
02/10/2024 C81 and Griffith University [2024] QICmr 47 (2 October 2024)
09/09/2021 C98 and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service [2021] QICmr 46 (9 September 2021)
20/12/2004 Cacciola and Queensland Ombudsman
28/06/2002 Caddy and Department of Police
27/06/2002 Caddy and Department of Police
11/08/1994 Cairns Port Authority and Department of Lands; Cairns Shelf Co No.16 Pty Ltd (Third Party)
17/10/2018 Caldwell and Townsville City Council; Landel Pty Ltd (Third Party); Laurence Lancini Constructions Pty Ltd (Fourth Party) [2018] QICmr 43 (17 October 2018)
08/02/2007 Caloundra City News and Caloundra City Council
07/08/2012 Cameron and Queensland Police Service
26/05/1995 Campbell and Department of Education
08/10/1997 Campbell and Intellectually Disabled Citizens Council of Queensland
29/01/2016 Campbell and North Burnett Regional Council; Melior Resources Incorporated (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 4 (29 January 2016)
26/05/1995 Campbell and University of Southern Queensland
25/11/2008 Candy and Environmental Protection Agency
30/01/2008 Candy and Environmental Protection Agency
30/05/1994 Cannon and Australian Quality Egg Farms Ltd
20/12/2011 Cannon and Department of Police
31/10/2003 Cannon and Magistrates Court (Queensland)
11/06/2004 Cannon and Magistrates Court (Queensland)
04/08/2011 Cape York Land Council - 220061
27/05/2010 Cape York Land Council - 310190
16/10/2020 Cape York Land Council and Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy [2020] QICmr 60 (16 October 2020)
18/03/2014 Capewell and Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 9 (18 March 2014)
29/07/1995 Cardwell Properties Pty Ltd; Williams and Department of the Premier, Economic and Trade Development; North Queensland Conservation Council Inc (Third Party)
19/09/2016 Carmody and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Seven Network (Operations) Limited (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 37 (19 September 2016)
19/09/2016 Carmody and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; The Australian (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 38 (19 September 2016)
27/08/2009 Carter and Department of Community Safety (210867)
11/09/2017 Carter and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2017] QICmr 43 (11 September 2017)
07/04/2004 Carter and Gold Coast City Council
28/08/2008 Carter and Gold Coast City Council
28/03/2002 Carter and James Cook University
13/09/2000 Cashel and WorkCover Queensland
22/05/2018 Castley-Wright and Mareeba Shire Council [2018] QICmr 25 (22 May 2018)
06/06/2022 Catalyst Child and Family Services Ltd - 220138
23/06/2003 CCH and Department of Health
31/03/2003 CDY and Department of Police
22/11/2012 CH32GI and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Third Parties
07/04/1999 Chambers and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care; Gribaudo (Third Party)
30/11/2001 Chand and Medical Board of Queensland; Cannon (Third Party)
04/06/2021 Cherry and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2021] QICmr 26 (4 June 2021)
10/02/1997 CHI and Department of Education
31/03/1993 Christie and Queensland Industry Development Corporation
06/08/2009 Christophers and Redland City Council (210713)
13/05/1996 CHU and Brisbane South Regional Health Authority
01/02/2001 CHY and Department of Families
17/03/2005 Circumcision Information Australia (as agent for DMO) and Health Rights Commission; Stalewski (Third Party)
29/06/2018 Ciric and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 30 (29 June 2018)
30/06/2010 CITG93 and Office of Health Practitioner Registration Boards (210956)
26/11/2002 Citizens Rally Against Superquarries Haulage Association Inc. and Department of State Development
13/05/2009 CJR and Medical Board of Queensland
11/09/1998 CLA and Department of Health
04/09/1998 Claes and Queensland Rail
25/05/2006 Clark and Department of Education and the Arts
16/03/2017 Clegg and Crime and Corruption Commission [2017] QICmr 9 (16 March 2017)
18/03/2022 Clermont Group Pty Ltd and Isaac Regional Council [2022] QICmr 15 (18 March 2022)
22/03/2022 Clermont Quarries Pty Ltd and Isaac Regional Council [2022] QICmr 16 (22 March 2022)
03/03/2022 Clermont Quarries Pty Ltd and Isaac Regional Council [2022] QICmr 9 (3 March 2022)
28/10/1998 CMN and Education Queensland
31/07/2018 CN18HL and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women [2018] QICmr 34 (31 July 2018)
26/11/2024 Cole and Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (Office of Industrial Relations); & Ors [2024] QICmr 67 (26 November 2024)
04/06/2012 Collins and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310942)
06/11/2012 Collins and HQCC
30/06/2008 Community Care Incorporated and Department of Communities; Mr M Howard (Third Party)
04/10/2012 Conde and Queensland Police Service
18/10/2012 Conde and Queensland Police Service
30/10/2007 Conlan and Department of Child Safety
29/04/2005 Conley and Treasury Department
14/09/2023 Consolidated Biodiesel Pty Ltd and Department of Energy and Public Works [2023] QICmr 51 (14 September 2023)
21/08/2024 Cook Shire Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc
28/08/2017 Cook Shire Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc - 220088
06/02/2020 Cook Shire Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc - 220111
21/09/2022 Cook Shire Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc - 220142
08/10/2018 Cook Shire Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc - 220096
01/03/2021 Cook Shire Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc - 220128
30/06/2020 Cook Shire Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc and Cook Shire Council [2020] QICmr 38 (30 June 2020)
14/11/1995 Cooper and Department of Police
14/11/1995 Cooper and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
28/09/2020 Coorparoo Cricket Club - 220119
30/11/1999 COP and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Department of Health
05/08/1998 Copland and Prince Charles Hospital and District Health Service
24/05/2010 Copley and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (210962)
03/08/1999 Coroneos and Medical Board of Queensland
09/05/2003 Coroneos and Medical Board of Queensland
14/02/2006 Corporate Development Solutions Pty Ltd and Department of Public Works; Urban Executive (Third Party)
09/03/2009 Cosser and Department of Education, Training and the Arts
10/08/2001 Coulthart and Princess Alexandra Hospital and District Health Service
03/04/1996 Coventry and Cairns City Council
14/10/2016 Cowen and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2016] QICmr 43 (14 October 2016)
28/06/1996 Criminal Justice Commission and Director of Public Prosecutions; Harris (Third Party)
28/09/2007 Crockford and Environmental Protection Agency
25/08/1997 Croll and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
06/04/2017 Cronin and Crime and Corruption Commission [2017] QICmr 13 (6 April 2017)
21/12/2007 CSX and Department of Child Safety
11/04/2000 Cudmore and Department of Police
01/02/2000 Cudmore and Department of Police
29/11/2000 Cudmore and Department of Police
16/08/1999 Cudmore and Department of Police
18/01/2000 Cudmore and Department of Police
21/01/2011 Cullen and Department of Public Works (310218)
31/08/2006 Cumpston and WorkCover Queensland
18/12/1997 Curtin and Pine Rivers Shire Council
20/06/2005 Cuttler and Department of Corrective Services
20/06/2005 Cuttler and Department of Police
22/06/2005 Cuttler and Legal Aid Queensland
31/08/2017 Cutts and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 39 (31 August 2017)