Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Application number:
2001 S0108
Decision date:
Friday, Jun 29, 2001

Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.
(2001 S0108, 29 June 2001) 

The applicant had sought access from the LGAQ to all documents relating to himself. The LGAQ claimed that some of the documents in issue were exempt from disclosure under s.43(1) of the FOI Act. I reviewed the documents in issue and found that some (specifically, some file notes written by the LGAQ's solicitors) did not qualify as "documents of an agency" and hence were not subject to the application of the FOI Act. 

I found that matter in issue which identified another individual who had made an external review application to the LGAQ was exempt from disclosure under s.44(1) of the FOI Act, and that the balance of the matter was exempt from disclosure under s.43(1) of the FOI Act.