A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
12/10/1994 S and Medical Board of Queensland
18/07/2023 S12 and Department of Energy and Public Works [2023] QICmr 35 (18 July 2023)
28/02/2020 S13 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 13 (28 February 2020)
10/06/2021 S30 and The University of Queensland [2021] QICmr 29 (10 June 2021)
17/05/2023 S36 and Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [2023] QICmr 18 (17 May 2023)
05/09/2023 S39 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 44 (5 September 2023)
07/12/2023 S41 and Griffith University [2023] QICmr 64 (7 December 2023)
30/01/2023 S55 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 3 (30 January 2023)
20/08/2024 S62 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 39 (20 August 2024)
11/11/2019 S72 and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2019] QICmr 49 (11 November 2019)
20/04/2020 S90 and Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland; T38 (Third Party) [2020] QICmr 23 (20 April 2020)
28/03/2003 Salter and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
01/02/2000 SAN and Department of Health
28/01/2009 Sanderson and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
18/09/2009 Sandy and Brisbane City Council (210797)
25/06/2013 Sandy and Department of Community Safety
24/10/2000 Santoro MLA and Department of Main Roads; Brisbane City Council (Third Party)(Affirmed in subsequent proceeding under the Judicial Review Act 1991 Qld)
12/07/1996 SAR and Patient Review Tribunal
18/07/2007 Saunders and Department of Housing
31/03/2006 Save Our Foreshore Inc. and Whitsunday Shire Council
16/05/2016 Save Our Foreshore Incorporated - 220083
24/11/2017 Save Our Foreshore Incorporated and Department of Natural Resources and Mines; Shute Harbour Marina Development Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2017] QICmr 55 (24 November 2017)
13/04/2023 Save our Southern Gold Coast Inc - 220147
14/02/1997 SCH and The University of Queensland
05/02/2002 Scholz and Department of Public Works and Housing
30/07/2007 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
07/09/2005 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
29/05/2007 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
06/11/2007 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
27/03/2007 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
05/06/2007 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
30/01/2008 Scott and Department of Corrective Services
09/04/2009 Scott and South Burnett Regional Council
28/02/2005 SD and Department of Police; Shishorin (Third Party)
29/06/2007 Seal and Department of Police
07/02/2025 Search results
06/06/2012 Secher and James Cook University (Queensland Information Commissioner, 6 June 2012)
07/11/2017 Sedlar and Logan City Council [2017] QICmr 52 (7 November 2017)
29/06/2004 Seeney, MP and Department of State Development; Berri Limited (Third Party)
23/06/2022 Sensus Building Group Pty Ltd ACN 153 602 861 and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2022] QICmr 32 (23 June 2022)
10/09/2013 Serratore and Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Rail and Crown Law (311428) 10 September 2013
25/05/2012 Setschnjak and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310604)
27/06/2016 Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Carmody (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 22 (27 June 2016)
29/11/2018 Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (Third Party) [2018] QICmr 48 (29 November 2018)
11/05/2018 Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Logan City Council [2018] QICmr 21 (11 May 2018)
14/12/2015 Seven Network (Operations) Limited and the Board of Trustees of the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme [2015] QICmr 33 (14 December 2015)
30/06/2011 Seven Network Operations and Redland City Council; Third Party (310227)
10/02/2012 Seven Network Operations Limited and Safe Food Production Queensland; Food business (Third Party) (310277)
18/12/1995 Sexton Trading Co Pty Ltd and Department of Health; TK Crow Furnishings Pty Ltd (Third Party)
27/09/2018 SH8Z9M & Ors and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women [2018] QICmr 40 (27 September 2018)
07/12/2001 Sharples and Department of Police
23/02/2000 Sharples and Department of Police
31/03/2000 Sharples and The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Arts
05/08/2014 Shaw and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2014] QICmr 33 (5 August 2014)
28/07/2005 Shaw and Department of Natural Resources and Mines
31/08/2005 Shaw and Esk Shire Council
09/01/2008 Shaw and Kilcoy Shire Council
03/07/2008 Shaw and Medical Board of Queensland
18/12/1995 Shaw and The University of Queensland; L'Estrange (Third Party)
06/12/1996 SHE and Brisbane South Regional Health Authority
05/04/2007 Sheehan and Department of Police
28/01/2009 Sheehan and Department of Police
04/04/2017 Sheehan and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 12 (4 April 2017)
29/05/2017 Shelton and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 18 (29 May 2017)
18/04/1994 Shepherd and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning
09/04/2009 Sheridan and Dalby Regional Council
09/04/2009 Sheridan and Local Government Association of Queensland, Inc.
13/12/2007 Sheridan and Nanango Shire Council
23/06/2008 Sheridan and South Burnett Regional Council
09/04/2009 Sheridan and South Burnett Regional Council
18/11/2014 Shirirone Pty Ltd and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [2014] QICmr 46 (18 November 2014)
13/02/1998 Shute and Department of Police
15/03/2013 Sibelco Australia Ltd and Department of Natural Resources and Mines
15/04/1999 SIM and Department of Police
04/11/1999 Simmons and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
29/07/2011 Simpson MP and Department of Transport and Main Roads (310373)
29/10/1999 SIN and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
28/09/2007 SJ and Ors and Department of Communities
20/03/2000 SKE and Education Queensland
08/10/1997 Slynko and Department of Education
20/06/2003 SMH and Department of Families
08/02/2007 Smith and Caloundra City Council
21/05/1998 Smith and Criminal Justice Commission
07/04/1998 Smith and Criminal Justice Commission
30/06/1993 Smith and Department of Administrative Services
09/11/2001 Smith and Department of Police
21/05/1998 Smith and Department of Police
15/09/1997 Smith and Department of Police
16/05/2001 Smith and Hinchinbrook Shire Council
24/02/1999 Smith and James Cook University
04/04/1996 Smith and North Queensland Electricity Board
15/09/1997 Smith and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
08/08/1997 Smith and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
08/11/2003 Smith and Queensland Rail; A (Third Party)
05/09/2017 Smith and Sunshine Coast Regional Council; Diamond Energy Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2017] QICmr 42 (5 September 2017)
29/04/1996 Smith and Thuringowa City Council
06/12/1996 SOF and Legal Aid Office (Queensland)
09/12/2015 Soley and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2015] QICmr 32 (9 December 2015)
11/04/1997 Somerset and Department of Police
03/11/2000 Spencer and Education Queensland
21/12/1999 Spilsbury and Brisbane City Council; John Wilson & Partners Pty Ltd (Third Party); Environmental Resources Management (Qld) Pty Ltd (Fourth Party)
13/01/1997 Sport Drinks Australia Pty Ltd and Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry
11/04/1997 Sport Drinks Australia Pty Ltd and Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry; Yensch (Third Party)
28/04/2006 Springborg, MP and Crime and Misconduct Commission; RZ (Third Party), BX (Fourth Party), Director-General of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Fifth Party)
31/03/2005 Springborg, MP and Department of Public Works, Housing and Racing
16/03/2006 Springborg, MP and Office of the Premier; A WorkCover Claimant (Third Party); A Minister (Fourth Party); A Former Parliamentary Secretary (Fifth Party)
16/03/2006 Springborg, MP and WorkCover Queensland; A WorkCover Claimant (Third Party); A Minister (Fourth Party); A Former Parliamentary Secretary (Fifth Party)
02/09/2010 SQD and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310288)
03/06/2005 SS and Department of Corrective Services
19/10/1998 STA and Department of Police
18/02/2016 Stafford and Queensland Police Service [2016] QICmr 7 (18 February 2016)
14/05/2021 Stafford and Queensland Police Service [2021] QICmr 21 (14 May 2021)
22/05/2009 Stanford and Crime and Misconduct Commission
04/06/2014 Stanway and Frederick Marsden Youth Centre Inc [2014] QICmr 22 (4 June 2014)
29/03/2018 Stanway and Queensland Police Service (No. 2) [2018] QICmr 15 (29 March 2018)
26/06/2017 Stanway and Queensland Police Service [2017] QICmr 22 (26 June 2017)
22/02/2018 Stanway and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 7 (22 February 2018)
12/09/2019 Star News Group Pty Ltd and Southern Downs Regional Council [2019] QICmr 39 (12 September 2019)
05/07/2013 Statement of reasons for approval of waiver under section 157(4) of the Information Privacy Act 2009
20/09/1999 Steinback and Department of Health
09/04/1996 Steinback and Ipswich City Council
10/06/2004 Stenhouse and Department of Education and the Arts
03/07/2008 Stevens and Environmental Protection Agency
03/03/1998 Stevenson Finance Corporation Pty Ltd; Stevenson and Department of Natural Resources; Boully
27/10/1997 Stewart and Department of Police
28/07/1999 Stewart and Department of Police
15/05/1995 Stewart and Department of Transport
09/12/1993 Stewart and Department of Transport
15/05/1995 Stewart and Department of Transport
16/05/1995 Stewart and Department of Transport
15/05/1995 Stewart and Department of Transport
12/05/1995 Stewart and Department of Transport
16/05/1995 Stewart and Minister for Transport
16/05/1995 Stewart and Minister for Transport
21/12/2012 Stewart and SunWater; Stanwell (Third Party)
16/02/2021 Stiles and Queensland Urban Utilities [2021] QICmr 5 (16 February 2021)
12/01/2004 Stiller and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; RDR (Third party); A Referee (Fourth party)
30/05/2011 Stiller and Department of the Premier and Cabinet (310257)
11/02/2009 Stiller and Department of Transport
04/01/2012 Stiller and Department of Transport and Main Roads (310524)
27/09/2019 Stiller and Queensland Health [2019] QICmr 41 (27 September 2019)
28/10/2016 Straker and Sunshine Coast Regional Council; NBN Co Limited (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 44 (28 October 2016)
12/03/1999 Stubberfield and Department of Communication and Information, Local Government and Planning
07/03/2000 Stubberfield and Redland Shire Council
27/03/1997 Summers and Department of Health; Hintz (Third Party)
04/03/2016 Sunshine Coast Environment Council Inc and Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing; Springborg MP (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 10 (4 March 2016)
07/12/2021 Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Action Group Inc (MTAG) - 220132
14/12/2020 Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Action Group Inc - 220125
30/01/2023 Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Action Group Inc. (MTAG) - 220143
27/11/2015 Suskova and Council of the City of Gold Coast [2015] QICmr 31 (27 November 2015)
13/04/1995 Sutherland and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority
30/05/2002 SVG and Department of Police
15/01/2016 SW5Z7D and Queensland Police Service [2016] QICmr 1 (15 January 2016)
09/03/2011 Swales and Department of Health (310156)
08/12/2017 Swiatek and The University of Southern Queensland [2017] QICmr 57 (8 December 2017)
27/11/1998 Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory Pty Ltd and Department of Primary Industries; McNaught (Third Party)
15/03/2010 SYT and Department of Health (270019)
09/10/1996 Szep and Building Services Authority; Alpert (Third Party)