10/06/2016 |
2CDLO3 and Department of Education and Training [2016] QICmr 20 (10 June 2016) |
29/07/2014 |
3FG6LI and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 32 (29 July 2014) |
10/04/2015 |
6D1NUY and Queensland Police Service [2015] QICmr 7 (10 April 2015) |
13/05/2014 |
7WLXB3 and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service [2014] QICmr 20 (13 May 2014) |
30/10/2014 |
8A3BPQ and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 42 (30 October 2014) |
10/11/2014 |
94HQWR and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 45 (10 November 2014) |
06/12/2013 |
016UGU and Queensland Police Service (311742) 6 December 2013 |
20/06/2019 |
06KLXE and Hinchinbrook Shire Council [2019] QICmr 22 (20 June 2019) |
23/12/2011 |
07UKSD and Department of Environment and Resource Management (310183) |
05/03/2013 |
0AW6AW and Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services |
13/02/2017 |
0DW0PH and Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority trading as Seqwater [2017] QICmr 3 (13 February 2017) |
12/09/2013 |
0P5BNI and Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (311232) 12 September 2013 |
11/06/2019 |
0Q3KKM and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 20 (11 June 2019) |
21/05/2012 |
0ZH6SQ and Department of Health (310805) |
25/05/2012 |
0ZH6SQ and Queensland Police Service (310902) |
01/02/2011 |
13NJIH and Department of Health (310359) |
12/01/2012 |
15ZPBD and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
17/04/2012 |
15ZPBD and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310842) |
14/08/2018 |
1L2FOK and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2018] QICmr 35 (14 August 2018) |
16/12/2011 |
1OS3KF and Department of Community Safety (310458) |
06/03/2012 |
26XZXJ and Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian (310634) |
22/03/2017 |
2LFF0D and Lockyer Valley Regional Council [2017] QICmr 10 (22 March 2017) |
21/10/2011 |
2TH1KV and Department of Transport and Main Roads (310357) |
05/06/2014 |
2YSV6N and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 25 (5 June 2014) |
26/11/2012 |
3DT2GH and Department of Housing and Public Works |
18/06/2014 |
3EUS8A and Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 29 (18 June 2014) |
21/06/2017 |
3PF1YC and The University of Queensland [2017] QICmr 21 (21 June 2017) |
11/04/2019 |
3PMQ2F and Central Queensland University [2019] QICmr 12 (11 April 2019) |
13/01/2017 |
3RS8NM and Queensland Health [2017] QICmr 2 (13 January 2017) |
06/10/2016 |
3ZA9CH and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service [2016] QICmr 39 (6 October 2016) |
26/10/2017 |
3ZA9CH and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service [2017] QICmr 51 (26 October 2017) |
31/03/2010 |
44ZNEO and Department of Health (210795) |
05/06/2014 |
49RYXV and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 23 (5 June 2014) |
18/05/2018 |
4UI2PS and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women [2018] QICmr 23 (18 May 2018) |
17/08/2018 |
59BZEW and Department of Environment and Science [2018] QICmr 36 (17 August 2018) |
02/04/2019 |
5B3NGA and Department of Education [2019] QICmr 10 (2 April 2019) |
11/01/2018 |
5GNOF4 and Queensland Health [2018] QICmr 1 (11 January 2018) |
07/11/2017 |
60CDYY and Department of Education and Training [2017] QICmr 52A (7 November 2017) |
07/10/2016 |
67IEWN and Queensland Health [2016] QICmr 40 (7 October 2016) |
24/10/2013 |
6E7YWS and Department of Housing and Public Works (311309) 24 October 2013 |
19/04/2018 |
6FX0PV and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 16 (19 April 2018) |
15/01/2014 |
6XY7LE and child of 6XY7LE and Department of Education, Training and Employment [2014] QICmr 1 (15 January 2014) |
24/02/2016 |
6ZJ3HG and Department of Environment and Heritage Protection; OY76VY (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 8 (24 February 2016) |
25/02/2011 |
74KDLG and Department of Health (310468) |
05/06/2014 |
76PNOH and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 24 (5 June 2014) |
01/02/2018 |
78FGQI and 3KTI5K and Central Queensland University; D56CNT (Third Party) [2018] QICmr 4 (1 February 2018) |
21/12/2011 |
7CLV4M and Department of Communities |
15/04/2019 |
7CMR4B and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 13 (15 April 2019) |
29/03/2019 |
7G5BAL and Crime and Corruption Commission [2019] QICmr 8 (29 March 2019) |
13/05/2014 |
7WLXB3 and Townsville Hospital and Health Service [2014] QICmr 19 (13 May 2014) |
13/06/2019 |
82PNLR and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 21 (13 June 2019) |
29/10/2013 |
83DCQB and West Moreton Hospital and Health Service (311618) 29 October 2013 |
01/05/2019 |
88OQAO and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service [2019] QICmr 14 (1 May 2019) |
30/08/2016 |
8N6DCI and Queensland University of Technology [2016] QICmr 33 (30 August 2016) |
13/02/2015 |
8RS6ZB and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2015] QICmr 3 (13 February 2015) |
15/09/2011 |
8U3AMG and Department of Communities (310233) |
29/11/2010 |
94NNEZ and Department of Community Safety (310324) |
01/08/2017 |
9X5DUG and Queensland Corrective Services [2017] QICmr 26 (1 August 2017) |