A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
25/07/1997 A Member of the Legislative Assembly and Queensland Corrective Services Commission; A Prisoner (Third Party)
26/08/2019 A11 and Department of Housing and Public Works [2019] QICmr 33 (26 August 2019)
18/09/2020 A12 and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 52 (18 September 2020)
18/11/2024 A34 and Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (Office of Industrial Relations) [2024] QICmr 61 (18 November 2024)
06/09/2013 A4STL6K and Queensland Health (311438) 6 September 2013
24/03/2020 A51 and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2020] QICmr 17 (24 March 2020)
13/09/2022 A52 and Brisbane City Council [2022] QICmr 44 (13 September 2022)
26/11/2019 A55 and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service [2019] QICmr 51 (26 November 2019)
10/03/2021 A56 and Surveyors Board Queensland [2021] QICmr 10 (10 March 2021)
03/06/2021 A70 and Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service [2021] QICmr 24 (3 June 2021)
17/12/2020 A74 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 75 (17 December 2020)
12/02/2024 A83 and Department of State Development and Infrastructure (Office of Industrial Relations) [2024] QICmr 3 (12 February 2024)
03/09/2019 A87 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 37 (3 September 2019)
30/01/2020 A88 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 2 (30 January 2020)
31/03/1998 Abaza and Brisbane City Council
21/11/2017 Abbot and Marohasy and Central Queensland University [2017] QICmr 54 (21 November 2017)
16/10/2012 Abbot and The University of Queensland
24/05/2018 Abbot Point Bulkcoal Pty Ltd and Department of Environment and Science; Mackay Conservation Group Inc (Third Party) [2018] QICmr 26 (24 May 2018)
08/08/2008 ABW and Department of Transport
31/08/2010 AD6L9H and Department of Health (310080)
03/05/2018 Adani Mining Pty Ltd and Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy; Land Services of Coast and Country Inc. (Third Party) [2018] QICmr 20 (3 May 2018)
27/04/2022 Adani Mining Pty Ltd and Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water; Australian Conservation Foundation (Third Party) [2022] QICmr 23 (27 April 2022)
06/07/2005 AFT and Department of Natural Resources and Mines
31/05/2023 Agnes Conservation Community Inc
17/12/1999 Ainsworth; Ainsworth Nominees Pty Ltd and Criminal Justice Commission; A (Third Party); B (Fourth Party)
16/12/2009 AIOI Insurance Co Limited and Department of Environment and Resource Management; Ensham Resources Pty Ltd (Third party) (210716)
29/09/2005 AJD and Department of Police
08/05/2007 Alder and Department of Health
29/08/2007 Alder and Department of Health
20/01/1997 ALE and Central Queensland University; W (Third Party)
22/08/2006 Alexandria Holdings Pty Ltd and Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation
12/02/1997 Allanson and Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry
30/12/1997 Allanson and Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation
14/02/1997 Allanson and Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation
02/02/2021 Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd and Queensland Police Service [2021] QICmr 1 (2 February 2021)
15/06/1995 Alpert and Brisbane City Council
02/08/2017 Alsop and Redland City Council [2017] QICmr 27 (2 August 2017)
04/12/1998 Althaus and Department of Public Works and Housing
05/06/2001 Althaus and James Cook University
11/03/2014 Amity Point Progress Association Inc - 220075
12/01/2000 AND and Department of Health
29/06/2012 Anderson and Department of Natural Resources and Mines
07/12/2006 Anderson and Office of the Public Service Commissioner
08/11/2016 Angelopoulos and Mackay Hospital and Health Service [2016] QICmr 47 (8 November 2016)
30/03/2001 Antony and Griffith University
26/10/2017 Applicant - Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service - Declaration date 26 October 2017
06/05/2020 Applicant - Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service - Declaration date 6 May 2020
27/02/2012 Applicant - University of Queensland - Declaration date 27 February 2012
19/10/2011 AQU1L6 and the Crime and Misconduct Commission; 7G5BAL (Third Party) (310289)
26/06/2013 Argus Probity Auditors & Advisors Pty Ltd and Queensland Rail
28/03/2002 Aries Tours Pty Ltd and Environmental Protection Agency
17/10/2013 Arnold and Redland City Council (311261)
13/07/2017 Arthur and Council of the City of Gold Coast [2017] QICmr 25 (13 July 2017)
17/08/1998 Associated Meat Exports Pty Ltd and Queensland Abattoir Corporation
17/08/1998 Associated Meat Exports Pty Ltd and Queensland Livestock & Meat Authority
30/11/1999 Atkinson and Environmental Protection Agency
30/01/1997 Austin and Legal Aid Office (Queensland)
21/11/2018 Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women [2018] QICmr 47 (21 November 2018)
23/03/2021 Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Department of Education (Office of Industrial Relations); A Stone Cutting Business (Third Party) [2021] QICmr 14 (23 March 2021)
03/01/2012 Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Psychologists Board of Australia (310303)
12/03/2019 Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Townsville City Council; Adani Mining Pty Ltd (Third Party) & Ors [2019] QICmr 7 (12 March 2019)
04/12/2019 Australian Conservation Foundation and Department of Environment and Science; Adani Mining Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2019] QICmr 54 (4 December 2019)
29/10/2012 Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group Ltd and Department of Justice and Attorney General
21/03/2000 Australian Meat Exports Pty Ltd and Queensland Abattoir Corporation
21/03/2000 Australian Meat Exports Pty Ltd and Queensland Livestock & Meat Authority
09/04/1996 Australian Rainforest Conservation Society Inc. and Treasury Department
28/07/2016 Australian Workers’ Union and Queensland Treasury; Ardent Leisure Limited (Third Party) [2016] QICmr 28 (28 July 2016)
05/02/1997 Aylward and Griffith University
05/07/2014 AZ4Z4W and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2014] QICmr 26 (5 June 2014)
27/02/2001 Azad and Princess Alexandra Hospital and District Health Service
19/09/2017 Azzopardi and Department of Environment and Heritage Protection [2017] QICmr 48 (19 September 2017)