Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Application number:
2000 S0052
Decision date:
Thursday, May 17, 2001

Price and Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.
(2000 S0052, 17 May 2001) 

The applicant sought access to all documents relating to himself, his family and/or his property. (The Information Commissioner had previously decided that the respondent was an agency for the purposes of the FOI Act). 

The respondent advised that it held no documents that fell within the terms of the applicant's FOI access application.  Applying the principles stated in Shepherd and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning (1994) 1 QAR 464, the Deputy Information Commissioner was satisfied that there were no reasonable grounds to believe that documents responsive to the terms of the applicant's FOI access application existed in the possession or control of the respondent as at the date the applicant lodged his FOI access application.