Price and Department of Police

Application number:
1999 S0260
Decision date:
Thursday, Oct 31, 2002

Price and Queensland Police Service
(1999 S0050, 30 October 2002) 

Price and Queensland Police Service
(1999 S0193, 30 October 2002) 

Price and Queensland Police Service
(1999 S0260, 31 October 2002) 

These cases raised substantially similar issues in respect of similar categories of documents. 

Applying s.77(1) of the FOI Act, the Assistant Commissioner refused to deal further with documents clearly excluded from the application of Part 3 of the FOI Act by s.12 of the FOI Act, or with documents that had been dealt with in previous decisions of the Information Commissioner or his delegates.  Information which would identify alleged offenders, or persons who had provided information to the respondent, was found to be exempt under s.44(1) of the FOI Act.