A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
31/01/1994 B and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority
20/11/2024 B14 and Legal Services Commission [2024] QICmr 64 (20 November 2024)
01/04/2021 B31 and Queensland Ombudsman [2021] QICmr 16 (1 April 2021)
07/09/2022 B36 and Brisbane City Council [2022] QICmr 42 (7 September 2022)
15/11/2023 B38 and Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services [2023] QICmr 61 (15 November 2023)
22/02/2024 B47 and Department of Housing, Local Government Planning and Public Works [2024] QICmr 9 (22 February 2024)
07/08/2024 B50 and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2024] QICmr 33 (7 August 2024)
04/12/2020 B56 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 72 (4 December 2020)
11/09/2023 B70 and Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [2023] QICmr 49 (11 September 2023)
01/05/2015 B7TG4G and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service [2015] QICmr 11 (1 May 2015)
04/06/2024 B86 and Metro South Hospital and Health Service [2024] QICmr 23 (4 June 2024)
01/04/2022 B97 and Queensland Police Service [2022] QICmr 19 (1 April 2022)
07/03/2014 B9QR0K and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 8 (7 March 2014)
14/02/2012 Bade and Gympie Regional Council (310467)
25/06/1997 Bakharia and Department of Education
03/12/1997 Bakharia and Department of Education
10/05/1996 Baldwin and Department of Education; Others (Third Parties)
01/09/2017 Balzary and Redland City Council; Tidbold (Third Party) [2017] QICmr 41 (1 September 2017)
15/10/2010 Banks and Energex (310159)
13/04/1995 Banks and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
25/02/1997 Banks and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
19/09/2000 Barber and Criminal Justice Commission
31/07/2006 Barker and The Executive Resource Group Pty Ltd
27/09/2001 Barker and World Firefighters Games, Brisbane, 2002
15/09/2017 Barling and Brisbane City Council [2017] QICmr 47 (15 September 2017)
28/06/2000 Barnes and Gatton Shire Council
15/05/2003 Bartz and Department of Corrective Services
29/10/2007 Basil Bay Residents Association and Department of Natural Resources and Water; Keswick Island Pty Ltd
10/11/1997 Baxendell and Health Rights Commission
28/04/1997 Bayliss and Department of Health; Another (Third Party)
28/04/1997 Bayliss and Medical Board of Queensland
19/12/1993 BDP and Medical Board of Queensland; WNK
11/05/2012 Beale and Department of Community Safety (310872)
30/01/2007 Beale and Department of Corrective Services
14/11/1995 Beanland and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
10/10/2007 Beauchamp and Department of Premier and Cabinet
10/02/1998 Beaufort and Redland Shire Council
22/01/2013 Bedran and Gold Coast City Council
14/01/2015 Beilby and Brisbane City Council [2015] QICmr 1 (14 January 2015)
27/06/2003 Bell (as agent for IGY) and Department of Police
29/10/2004 Bell and Queensland Ombudsman
01/12/1995 Bennett and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
30/04/2012 Bentley and Murweh Shire Council (310545)
30/04/2002 Bentwood Enterprises Pty Ltd and Department of Police
27/08/2015 BFU12E and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2015] QICmr 21 (31 August 2015)
22/06/2011 BHP Coal Pty Ltd & Ors and Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation; Cherwell Creek Coal Pty Ltd (Third Party) (210949, 210950, 210951)
28/11/1995 BIR and West Moreton Regional Health Authority;
16/02/2007 Birchley and Department of Police
30/06/2006 Birt and Department of Emergency Services
20/03/2008 Birt and Department of Emergency Services
30/06/1999 BKR and Queensland University of Technology; Queensland Nursing Council (Third Party)
16/03/2006 BL and Department of Police
16/12/2010 Black and Brisbane City Council (310001)
28/01/2000 Black and WorkCover Queensland
18/12/2023 Blackall Range Land Use Planning Association
22/01/2025 Blackall Range Land Use Planning Association (BRLUPA)
30/08/2005 Blackburn and Mackay City Council
29/06/2007 BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd (First Applicant); Zietsman (Second Applicant) and Department of Mines and Energy
27/10/1997 Bogdanoff and Sunshine Coast Regional Health Authority
16/09/2009 BOJ and WorkCover Queensland (210653)
20/12/1995 Bolton and Department of Transport
14/11/1995 Borbidge and Department of the Premier, Economic and Trade Development
17/01/2001 Borcherdt and Department of Police
03/03/1998 Boully and Department of Natural Resources; Stevenson Financial Corporation Pty Ltd (Third Party); Stevenson (Fourth Party)
30/06/2008 Boulton and Whitsunday Regional Council
09/05/2014 Bourne and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2014] QICmr 18 (9 May 2014)
05/03/2001 BOW and Department of Families
20/11/1997 Bowles and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
17/08/2015 Bowmaker Realty and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Andrews [2015] QICmr 19 (17 August 2015)
24/02/2004 Bowtell and Burdekin Shire Council; Lower Burdekin Newspaper Company Pty Ltd (Third Party)
06/04/1994 Brack and Queensland Corrective Services Commission
06/02/2018 Bradford and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2018] QICmr 5 (6 February 2018)
15/05/2002 Bredillet and Cook Shire Council
01/08/1997 Breslin and Department of Justice and Attorney-General; Queensland Police Service (Third Party)
25/11/2010 Brisbane CBD Bicycle User Group
13/12/2011 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group
31/08/2023 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group (CBD BUG)
08/05/2014 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group - 220077
09/08/2016 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group - 220085
12/09/2017 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group - 220089
15/09/2020 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group - 220120
03/02/2025 Brisbane Central Business District Bicycle User Group - CBD BUG
06/06/2001 Brisbane City Council and Criminal Justice Commission; Gill (Third Party)
23/10/2020 Brisbane Enterprises Qld Pty Ltd and Redland City Council [2020] QICmr 63 (23 October 2020)
02/05/2014 Brodsky and Gympie Regional Council [2014] QICmr 17 (2 May 2014)
30/04/2007 Bruce and Department of Natural Resources and Water
26/07/2012 Bruce Dulley Family Lawyers and WorkCover Queensland
31/08/1998 BSTH and Department of Family Services and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs
11/03/2009 Buckley and Ergon Energy
20/04/2000 Bultitude and Princess Alexandra Hospital and District Health Service
16/08/1999 Burke and Building Services Authority
19/12/1997 Burke and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care; King (Third Party)
17/11/1997 Burke and Gold Coast City Council
12/05/2006 Burtenshaw and Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water; Dunn (Third Party)
18/04/1994 Burton and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning
24/06/1994 Bussey and Bowen Shire Council
10/11/1997 BWN and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority
13/05/2004 Byers and Department of Health
12/08/2014 Byers and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2014] QICmr 34 (12 August 2014)
15/05/1994 Byrne and Gold Coast City Council