A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
23/06/1998 D and Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry
29/06/2020 D29 and Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 37 (29 June 2020)
20/06/2024 D34 and Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and Arts; U22 (Third Party) [2024] QICmr 27 (20 June 2024)
19/10/2023 D38 and Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services [2023] QICmr 56 (19 October 2023)
14/03/2023 D44 and Western Downs Regional Council [2023] QICmr 11 (14 March 2023)
30/11/2021 D45 and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service [2021] QICmr 63 (30 November 2021)
01/02/2018 D56CNT and Central Queensland University [2017] QICmr 3 (1 February 2018)
26/05/2021 D58 and Department of Education [2021] QICmr 22 (26 May 2021)
26/08/2019 D68 and Department of Housing and Public Works [2019] QICmr 31 (26 August 2019)
23/06/2023 D76 and Queensland Health [2023] QICmr 29 (23 June 2023)
22/05/2020 D77 and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 28 (22 May 2020)
13/06/2023 D79 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 27 (13 June 2023)
19/11/2024 D82 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 62 (19 November 2024)
09/06/2021 D92 and Queensland Police Service [2021] QICmr 28 (9 June 2021)
03/05/2012 Dacey and Department of Education and Training (310724)
18/10/2013 Dacey and Department of Education, Training and Employment (311594) 18 October 2013
24/01/2007 Daglish and Department of Natural Resources and Water
13/06/2013 Daglish and Redland City Council
02/02/1998 Dalitz and Department of Health
29/09/1998 Dalrymple Shire Council and Department of Main Roads
07/06/2005 Danby (as agent for the National Tertiary Education Union, Qld) and Central Queensland University; Rickard (Third Party); Rickard (Fourth Party)
17/02/2000 Darcy and Queensland Rail
11/04/2014 Darlington and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 14 (11 April 2014)
31/03/2011 Davis and City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd
01/09/2015 Davis and Department of Justice and Attorney General [2015] QICmr 22 (1 September 2015)
24/11/2010 Daw and Queensland Rail (220020)
29/06/2007 De Graaf and Department of Police
05/06/2003 De Marchi and Public Trust Office
29/10/2012 Deery Hotels Pty Limited and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
19/01/2000 Dekker and Criminal Justice Commission
14/01/2000 Dekker and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
16/12/1999 Dekker and The University of Queensland
28/10/1999 Dekker and The University of Queensland
16/12/1999 Dekker and The University of Queensland
20/05/1998 Dell and Department of Public Works and Housing
27/01/2006 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Commonwealth) and Environmental Protection Agency; Australian Banana Growers' Council Inc. (Third Party)
14/04/2022 Department of Education (Office of Industrial Relations) and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services; Brooks Australia Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2022] QICmr 22 (14 April 2022)
31/03/2021 Department of Energy and Public Works and Queensland Health; Cairns Regional Council (Third Party) [2021] QICmr 15 (31 March 2021)
28/06/2002 Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Department of Emergency Services
12/05/2003 Department of Primary Industries and WorkCover Queensland; P (Third Party)
19/01/2022 Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Office of the Public Advocate [2022] QICmr 1 (19 January 2022)
23/10/2014 Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and The Premier; Mulherin, MP (Third Party) [2014] QICmr 41 (23 October 2014)
19/03/2009 deVere Lawyers and Whitsunday Regional Council
31/03/2000 Devine and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
27/04/1999 Devine and Department of Police
03/03/1995 Devine and Peninsula and Torres Strait Regional Health Authority
12/05/2006 DF and WorkCover Queensland; Queensland Police Service (Third Party)
17/12/2013 DF36ZV and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (311333 and 311553) 17 December 2013
18/05/2012 DG30RG and State Library of Queensland (310525)
11/05/2011 DH6QO5 and Department of Health (310034)
29/06/2011 DH6QO5 and Department of Police
20/06/2014 Dickinson and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 30 (20 June 2014)
25/08/2010 Dimes and James Cook University (210844)
17/07/2018 Dimes and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 32 (17 July 2018)
23/02/1998 Dimitrijev and Department of Education
31/05/2000 Dimitrijev and Education Queensland
02/11/2000 Dimitrijev and Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations
18/02/1997 Director-General, Department of Families, Youth & Community Care and Department of Education; Perriman (Third Party)
05/06/2019 DJ6G7Y and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 19 (5 June 2019)
18/02/2019 DJ6G7Y and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 4 (18 February 2019)
16/04/2004 DLN and Department of Police
17/03/2005 DML and Health Rights Commission
26/02/1999 DNL and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
24/11/1993 Doelle and Legal Aid Office (Queensland)
16/12/1999 Doyle and Princess Alexandra Hospital and District Health Service
18/02/2008 Drinkwater and Department of Corrective Services
30/06/2003 DSH and Treasury Department
04/08/2009 DSR and The University of Queensland (210904)
17/11/1997 DST and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
24/04/2009 DTI and Department of Health
06/10/2017 Dubois and Rockhampton Regional Council [2017] QICmr 49 (6 October 2017)
18/07/2019 Duhs and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 26 (18 July 2019)