PAS and Department of Police

Application number:
1994 S0047
Decision date:
Thursday, Aug 01, 1996

PAS and Queensland Police Service
(1994 S0047, 1 August 1996) 

The matter in issue was generated by the respondent during investigation of the applicant's allegations of criminal conduct against a number of people. 

Applying the principles set out in McEniery and Medical Board of Queensland (1994) 1 QAR 349, the Information Commissioner found that some of the matter in issue was exempt under s.42(1)(b), as its disclosure would disclose the identity of confidential sources of information. 

The Information Commissioner found that the balance of the matter was exempt under s.44(1) as it concerned the personal affairs of people other than the applicant and, given the extent of previous disclosures to the applicant, there was no public interest favouring disclosure of that matter to the applicant which would outweigh the public interest in protecting the privacy of those people.