A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
25/06/2013 O'Connor and Queensland Police Service
30/06/2009 O'Connor and The University of Queensland
30/11/2005 O'Connor and The University of Queensland
07/04/2008 O'Connor and The University of Queensland
29/09/2005 O'Connor and The University of Queensland
18/12/1995 O'Dwyer and Workers' Compensation Board of Queensland
10/09/1998 O'Grady and Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland
04/12/2012 O'Hagan and Building Services Authority
18/11/1996 O'Reilly and Department of Police
12/04/2022 O19 and Queensland Health [2022] QICmr 21 (12 April 2022)
18/12/2019 O26 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 61 (18 December 2019)
25/09/2019 O29 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 40 (25 September 2019)
28/06/2019 O2JA2P and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service [2019] QICmr 25 (28 June 2019)
04/10/2024 O35 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 48 (4 October 2024)
18/12/2019 O46 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 60 (18 December 2019)
11/06/2020 O52 and Queensland Ombudsman [2020] QICmr 31 (11 June 2020)
05/09/2023 O65 and Queensland Corrective Services [2023] QICmr 47 (5 September 2023)
04/11/2022 O72 and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2022] QICmr 49 (4 November 2022)
16/08/2021 O79 and Legal Services Commission [2021] QICmr 41 (16 August 2021)
02/11/2018 O79LUWW and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2018] QICmr 45 (2 November 2018)
15/02/2010 O80PCE and Department of Education and Training (210902)
25/10/2022 O82 and Department of Education [2022] QICmr 46 (25 October 2022)
25/05/2023 O83 and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2023] QICmr 20 (25 May 2023)
28/08/2023 O85 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 40 (28 August 2023)
26/08/2019 O96 and Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd [2019] QICmr 32 (26 August 2019)
30/08/2016 OAU11B and Queensland University of Technology [2016] QICmr 32 (30 August 2016)
13/08/2020 ODNA Group Pty Ltd and Brisbane City Council [2020] QICmr 47 (13 August 2020)
27/04/2007 Office of the Leader of the Opposition and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
14/05/2007 Office of the Leader of the Opposition and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
07/07/2010 Office of the Leader of the Opposition and Treasury Department (310145)
13/10/2000 Office of the Minister for Employment Training and Industrial Relations and Department of Mines and Energy
24/05/1999 Offord and Rockhampton City Council
18/12/2002 Offord and Rockhampton City Council
07/04/2009 Ogawa and Department of Police
21/06/2012 Ogawa and Queensland Police Service
17/04/2012 Ogawa and the Department of Police (310651)
09/07/2009 OKP and Department of Communities (210604)
19/12/1995 Olsson and Department of Transport
02/09/2020 Organisation of Sunshine Coast Association of Residents - 220117
08/10/1997 Orr and Bond University
20/06/2003 Orth and Medical Board of Queensland; Cooke (Third Party)
03/07/2017 Osgood and The Public Trustee of Queensland [2017] QICmr 24 (3 July 2017)
26/06/2002 OSN and Department of Families
26/06/2002 OSN and Education Queensland
30/08/2011 Ott and Logan City Council (310609)
24/01/2019 OY76VY and Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland [2019] QICmr 1 (24 January 2019)
13/05/2011 Ozcare and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310107)
29/04/2015 O’Connor and Legal Services Commission [2015] QICmr 10 (29 April 2015)