A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
05/12/1994 H and Legal Aid Office (Queensland)
26/06/2020 H12 and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 36 (26 June 2020)
29/07/2024 H19 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 32 (29 July 2024)
18/11/2022 H22 and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2022] QICmr 52 (18 November 2022)
20/03/2024 H23 and Crime and Corruption Commission [2024] QICmr 11 (20 March 2024)
14/10/2019 H30 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 44 (14 October 2019)
06/06/2023 H36 and Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [2023] QICmr 25 (6 June 2023)
30/05/2023 H37 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 22 (30 May 2023)
28/06/2023 H40 and Queensland Police Service [2023] QICmr 30 (28 June 2023)
13/10/2022 H46 and Barcaldine Regional Council; K87 (Third Party) [2022] QICmr 45 (13 October 2022)
20/12/2022 H52 and Department of Environment and Science [2022] QICmr 55 (20 December 2022)
14/12/2021 H62 and Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs [2021] QICmr 67 (14 December 2021)
12/05/2022 H64 and Redland City Council [2022] QICmr 26 (12 May 2022)
27/04/2022 H76 and Brisbane City Council [2022] QICmr 24 (27 April 2022)
27/03/2020 H89 and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 18 (27 March 2020)
04/05/2021 H89 and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2021] QICmr 18 (4 May 2021)
22/12/2021 H97 and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries [2021] QICmr 71 (22 December 2021)
20/05/2008 HAB and Department of Health
14/09/2009 Halcyon Waters Community Pty Ltd and Gold Coast City Council (210822)
24/05/1996 HAM and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
26/08/1994 Hamilton and Department of Police
24/08/2010 Haneef and Department of Police (210751)
24/02/2010 Haneef and Department of Police Part A (210644)
16/09/2010 Haneef and Department of Police Part B (210644)
14/06/1996 Hansen and Queensland Industry Development Corporation
19/12/2017 Hansen and TAFE Queensland [2017] QICmr 58 (19 December 2017)
27/06/2011 Hardy and Department of Health (310264)
27/07/2001 Harris and Criminal Justice Commission
21/01/2009 Harris and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
31/08/1998 Harris and Department of Police
18/03/2014 Harris and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 10 (18 March 2014)
09/09/2005 Hart and Department of Health; Copland (Third Party), Lombardo (Fourth party)
25/05/2022 Hart MP and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2022] QICmr 28 (25 May 2022)
18/02/2022 Hart MP and Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2022] QICmr 7 (18 February 2022)
01/05/1996 Hastie and Department of Transport
31/01/1997 Hawck and Department of Training and Industrial Relations
30/03/2009 Hawkswood and Department of Health
05/03/1998 Hay and Rockhampton City Council
19/12/1997 HD and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
19/12/1997 HD and Department of Police
03/03/1995 Hearl and Department of Police
27/06/1994 Hearl and Mulgrave Shire Council
04/02/2016 Heath and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2016] QICmr 5 (4 February 2016)
30/11/2004 Heisner and Environmental Protection Agency
17/12/2004 Heisner and Logan City Council
30/10/2012 Helping Hands Pty Ltd and Department of Education, Training and Employment
19/01/2007 Henderson and Crime and Misconduct Commission
23/02/2000 Henderson and Department of Communication and Information, Local Government and Planning
22/07/1997 Henderson and Department of Education
31/03/1998 Henderson and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
01/02/2000 Henderson and Department of Health
19/12/2012 Henderson and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
14/03/2011 Henderson and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (310061)
10/09/2015 Henderson and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2015] QICmr 24 (10 September 2015)
24/11/1999 Henderson and Education Queensland
30/11/2011 Henderson and Legal Practice Committee
19/01/2007 Henderson and Queensland Law Society Inc.
08/06/2001 Henderson and Queensland Law Society Inc.
29/06/2001 Henderson and Queensland Law Society Inc.
25/06/2007 Henderson and Queensland Law Society Inc.; O
27/04/2007 Henderson and Queensland Ombudsman; HS (Third Party)
14/03/2011 Henderson and The Public Trustee of Queensland (310054)
29/06/2001 Henderson and University of Southern Queensland
15/09/1997 Hendy and Mackay City Council
21/04/2016 Hennessy and Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services [2016] QICmr 15 (21 April 2016)
15/09/2003 Hermann and Department of Employment and Training; KLP (Third Party)
24/06/1998 Hewitt and Queensland Law Society Inc.
31/10/2002 HFF and Queensland Rail
12/07/1998 HIC and Department of Police
20/06/1997 Higgins and Department of Education
01/02/2000 Higgins and Department of Health
31/03/1999 Higgins and Education Queensland
29/10/2012 Hill Mac Pty Ltd and Department of Justice and Attorney General
09/06/2011 Hillier and Redland City Council
25/03/2002 HNS and Department of Health
25/06/1998 Hobden and Ipswich City Council
30/06/2022 Hodgetts and Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning [2022] QICmr 34 (30 June 2022)
22/03/2000 Hoey and Canegrowers
15/04/2015 Hof and Rockhampton Regional Council [2015] QICmr 8 (15 April 2015)
20/03/2000 Hogan and Department of Police
02/06/2006 Hollingsworth and Department of Health
02/06/2006 Hollingsworth and Department of Health
20/04/1998 Holt; Reeves and Education Queensland; McNaught (Third Party); Diery (Fourth Party); Muller (Fifth Party)
26/03/2014 Hon Tim Mulherin MP and Minister for Education, Training and Employment [2014] QICmr 11 (26 March 2014)
03/06/2014 Hon Tim Mulherin MP and the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice [2014] QICmr 21 (3 June 2014)
20/12/2006 Honeysett and Redland Shire Council
15/09/2006 Honeysett and Redland Shire Council
22/06/1998 Hookem and Redland Shire Council
28/11/1995 Hopkins and Department of Transport
20/10/1998 HOW and Department of Police
15/01/2008 Howard and Department of Education, Training and the Arts
14/02/2005 Howie and Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian
16/11/1998 HRG and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
27/01/2006 HS and Department of Natural Resources and Mines
01/05/2003 HSY and Department of Health
08/09/2010 Huang and Redland City Council (220024)
19/08/1998 HUD and Criminal Justice Commission
13/08/1993 Hudson (as agent for Fencray Pty Ltd) and Department of the Premier, Economic and Trade Development
17/07/2012 Hughes and Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
19/06/2003 Hunt and Education Queensland
28/02/2007 Hutchison and Department of Education, Training and the Arts