Price and Crime and Misconduct Commission

Application number:
2005 F0587
Decision date:
Friday, Jan 27, 2006

Price and Crime and Misconduct CommissionThe applicant sought access to a document which had been the subject of repeat applications to the respondent.  Two previous external reviews had found that the document in issue (a statement concerning the applicant which was made to the QPS by two third parties) was exempt matter under s.44(1) of the FOI Act. 

(2005 F0587, 27 January 2006)

Discretion not to review – application of s.77(1)


In November 2002 Assistant Commissioner Shoyer declined to deal with a third application for review, on the ground that the document in issue had been the subject of a previous review.  AC Barker found that there was no public interest in favour of disclosure of the document, which had not been known to previous decision-makers, sufficient to outweigh the public interest in the personal privacy of the third parties, and exercised the discretion conferred by s.77(1) of the FOI Act to refuse to review the respondent's latest decision.