A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Other]
Decision date Parties
29/06/2023 J Ahern and Brisbane City Council [2023] QICmr 32 (29 June 2023)
06/05/2021 J27 and Queensland Police Service [2021] QICmr 19 (6 May 2021)
11/05/2012 J2P8MT and Department of Health (310418)
18/08/2022 J38 and Brisbane City Council [2022] QICmr 40 (18 August 2022)
20/03/2020 J64 and Metro North Hospital and Health Service [2020] QICmr 16 (20 March 2020)
12/12/2018 J6Q8CH and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (No. 2) [2018] QICmr 50 (12 December 2018)
10/12/2018 J6Q8CH and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2018] QICmr 49 (10 December 2018)
06/08/2019 J6Q8CH and Office of the Health Ombudsman (No. 2) [2019] QICmr 27 (6 August 2019)
09/04/2019 J6Q8CH and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2019] QICmr 11 (9 April 2019)
01/10/2019 J84 and Office of the Health Ombudsman [2019] QICmr 42 (1 October 2019)
12/08/2024 J85 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 36 (12 August 2024)
10/04/2014 JA14YM and Crime and Misconduct Commission [2014] QICmr 13 (10 April 2014)
29/10/1999 JAC and Department of Transport
10/02/2010 Jackson and Department of Health (210820)
31/07/2020 James and Cassowary Coast Regional Council; JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2020] QICmr 43 (31 July 2020)
22/02/2018 James and Queensland Police Service [2018] QICmr 8 (22 February 2018)
20/10/2009 JCO and Department of Police (210558)
21/12/2009 JCZ and Department of Health (210945)
26/09/1994 Jennings and Department of Justice and Attorney-General
08/10/1997 Jesser and University of Southern Queensland
23/09/1997 Jesser and University of Southern Queensland
20/11/2015 JI54DA and Townsville Hospital and Health Service [2015] QICmr 29 (20 November 2015)
29/04/1999 JLC and Legal Ombudsman; Queensland Law Society Inc. (Third Party); A Solicitor (Fourth Party)
12/05/1995 JM and Department of Police
30/09/2002 JNK and Department of Health
30/09/2002 JNK and Department of Police
29/06/2007 Johnson and Department of Health
01/05/2004 Johnson and Department of Transport; Department of Public Works (Third Party)
06/12/2013 Johnston and Brisbane City Council (311305) 6 December 2013
26/06/2015 Jones and Queensland Police Service [2015] QICmr 15 (26 June 2015)
11/08/2003 Jordan and Gold Coast City Council
07/03/2014 Jose and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 7 (7 March 2014)
04/03/2003 JSD and Medical Board of Queensland
26/05/2003 JTN and Department of Police