19/09/2024 |
G11 and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2024] QICmr 44 (19 September 2024) |
22/05/2024 |
G31 and Queensland Police Service [2024] QICmr 20 (22 May 2024) |
22/11/2021 |
G42 and Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs [2021] QICmr 62 (22 November 2021) |
12/09/2023 |
G43 and Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions [2023] QICmr 50 (12 September 2023) |
07/12/2020 |
G46 and Queensland Police Service (No. 2) [2020] QICmr 73 (7 December 2020) |
24/02/2020 |
G46 and Queensland Police Service [2020] QICmr 11 (24 February 2020) |
29/08/2019 |
G66 and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2019] QICmr 35 (29 August 2019) |
31/08/2023 |
G71 and Queensland Corrective Services [2023] QICmr 43 (31 August 2023) |
20/02/2019 |
G78QTW and Department of Education [2019] QICmr 5 (20 February 2019) |
05/11/2019 |
G83 and Queensland Police Service [2019] QICmr 47 (5 November 2019) |
28/11/2024 |
G88 and Energy Queensland Limited [2024] QICmr 69 (28 November 2024) |
17/06/2013 |
G8KPL2 and Department of Health |
31/01/2011 |
G8KPL2 and Department of Health (310329) |
15/02/2024 |
G92 and Department of Education [2024] QICmr 5 (15 February 2024) |
12/12/2019 |
G98 and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women [2019] QICmr 59 (12 December 2019) |
13/09/1996 |
Gadsby and Department of Health |
22/03/2000 |
Gall Standfield & Smith Solicitors and Gold Coast City Council |
12/04/2013 |
Gapsa and Department of Transport and Main Roads |
06/09/2013 |
Gapsa and Department of Transport and Main Roads (311159) 6 September 2013 |
23/09/2014 |
Gapsa and Department of Transport and Main Roads [2014] QICmr 38 (23 September 2014) |
11/02/2016 |
Gapsa and Public Service Commission [2016] QICmr 6 (11 February 2016) |
27/02/2001 |
Gazaford Pty Ltd and Department of Primary Industries |
06/07/2002 |
GDS and Queensland University of Technology |
20/11/2003 |
GDW and Department of Police |
12/09/2011 |
Geary and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (310392) |
27/11/2012 |
Gerhardt and Brisbane City Council |
15/05/2002 |
GHS and Department of Emergency Services |
29/06/2007 |
GHX and Department of Communities |
08/03/2007 |
Gibbons and Department of Police |
29/01/2007 |
Gifford and Redland Shire Council |
06/06/2001 |
Gill and Brisbane City Council |
13/11/2002 |
Gill and Education Queensland |
30/04/2007 |
Gilliver and James Cook University |
14/11/1995 |
Gilmore and Department of Minerals and Energy |
24/04/2014 |
Gilmour and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services [2014] QICmr 15 (24 April 2014) |
08/02/2007 |
Gilmour-Walsh and Caloundra City Council |
26/11/2008 |
GIM and Department of Health |
14/02/1997 |
Gist and Department of Transport |
08/01/2016 |
Gladstone Conservation Council - 220080 |
18/08/2016 |
Glass Media Pty Ltd and Department of the Premier and Cabinet; Screen Queensland Pty Ltd (Third Party); The Walt Disney Company (Australia) Pty Ltd (Fourth Party) [2016] QICmr 30 (18 August 2016) |
28/02/1997 |
Gleeson and Department of Education |
25/03/2015 |
GM31AM and Queensland Police Service [2015] QICmr 6 (25 March 2015) |
18/11/1998 |
GMS and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care |
17/01/2011 |
Godwin and Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (310164) |
07/11/1997 |
Godwin and Department of Police |
23/12/2010 |
Gold Coast Bulletin and Queensland Police Service (310012) |
07/06/1996 |
Gonzalez-Barbosa and Department of Education |
06/02/2014 |
Goodman and Department of Justice and Attorney-General [2014] QICmr 4 (6 February 2014) |
21/09/2011 |
Gordon Resources Limited and Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation and BHP-Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd (Third Party) (310147) |
21/07/2010 |
Grant and Moreton Bay Regional Council (210870) |
30/04/2007 |
Grant and Pine Rivers Shire Council; Chapman (Third Parties) |
24/09/2003 |
Gray and Mount Isa City Council |
21/04/2016 |
Green and Department of State Development [2016] QICmr 14 (21 April 2016) |
30/06/1994 |
Green and Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations |
01/03/2018 |
Greenpeace Australia Pacific and Queensland Treasury; Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (Third Party) [2018] QICmr 9 (1 March 2018) |
21/11/2014 |
Gregory and Queensland Police Service [2014] QICmr 48 (21 November 2014) |
08/02/2002 |
Grehan and Department of Employment and Training |
30/06/2005 |
Grehan and Department of Employment and Training |
30/06/2005 |
Grehan and Department of Employment and Training |
30/06/2003 |
Grehan and Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations |
23/11/2010 |
Grenning and Queensland Law Society Inc (310078) |
13/08/2001 |
Gresham and Queensland Principal Club |
30/06/2003 |
Gresham and Queensland Thoroughbred Racing Board |
25/09/2002 |
Gresham and Queensland Thoroughbred Racing Board |
22/12/2006 |
Griffith and Department of Police |
15/08/1997 |
Griffith and Department of Police; Thorpe (Third Party) |
31/08/1998 |
Griffiths and Building Services Authority |
02/08/1999 |
Grimley and Department of Mines and Energy |
31/03/2000 |
GRO and Department of Police |
27/10/1999 |
GRU and Department of Families, Youth and Community Care |
27/02/2009 |
GRW and Residential Tenancies Authority |
31/03/1998 |
GSA Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd and Brisbane City Council; GS Technology Pty Ltd (Third Party) |
30/09/1998 |
GSA Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd and Brisbane City Council; GS Technology Pty Ltd (Third Party) |
20/11/1995 |
GSA Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd and Brisbane City Council; GS Technology Pty Ltd (Third Party) |
25/08/1994 |
GSA Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd and Brisbane City Council; GS Technology Pty Ltd (Third Party) |
29/06/2001 |
Guille and James Cook University |
27/03/2000 |
GUN and Department of Health; |
03/08/1999 |
GUN and Department of Justice and Attorney-General |
22/12/2005 |
Gunstar Pty Ltd and Department of Police |
24/12/2008 |
GVK and Department of Health |
16/02/2007 |
GZQ and Medical Board of Queensland |