Shepherd and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning

Application number:
1993 S0050
Decision date:
Monday, Apr 18, 1994
(1994) 1QAR 464

Shepherd and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning
(1993 S0050, 18 April 1994)


This case sets out the principles to be applied in 'sufficiency of search' cases, that is, cases where an applicant claims that a respondent agency has failed to locate and deal with all documents covered by the terms of the applicant's FOI access application (see especially paragraphs 18-19).


This case also provides a further illustration of the principles from B and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority(1994) 1 QAR 279, concerning the proper interpretation and application of s.46(1)(a), in circumstances where a third party had supplied information to the respondent for the purpose of the respondent's investigation of complaints against the applicant, relating to her tenancy of a residential unit owned by the respondent.