Steinback and Ipswich City Council

Application number:
1996 L0001
Decision date:
Tuesday, Apr 09, 1996
(1996) 3 QAR 233

Steinback and Ipswich City Council
(1996 L0001, 9 April 1996) 

This case involved a challenge to the Council's decision to require a $30.00 application fee from an applicant seeking to obtain access to documents relating to complaints made concerning a property owned by the applicant, and leased to tenants.  Some of the documents related to a period of time before the applicant had acquired the property.  This case raised similar issues to those considered in Bolton and Department of Transport (1995) 3 QAR 143. 

The Information Commissioner found that, although the applicant claimed to need the documents for a matter involving his personal affairs, several of the documents in issue contained no information about the applicant's personal affairs, and hence the $30 application fee was properly payable.