HOW and Department of Police

Application number:
1998 S0039
Decision date:
Tuesday, Oct 20, 1998

HOW and Queensland Police Service
(1998 S0039; 20 October 1998) 

The applicant, who had complained to the QPS that he had been assaulted, sought access to personal information (such as residential address, telephone number, age and physical description) about the alleged offender, and to matter which would identify persons who had supplied information to the QPS about the incident. 

The applicant has already been given access to those parts of the witness statements that dealt directly with the alleged assault.  The Information Commissioner found that the matter remaining in issue concerned the personal affairs of persons other than the applicant for access, and that, considering the extent of the information already disclosed to the applicant, the Information Commissioner was not satisfied that disclosure of the matter remaining in issue would, on balance, be in the public interest.  The Information Commissioner decided that the matter remaining in issue was exempt matter under s.44(1) of the FOI Act.