BIR and West Moreton Regional Health Authority;

Application number:
1993 S0167
Decision date:
Tuesday, Nov 28, 1995

BIR and West Moreton Regional Health Authority
(1993 S0167, 28 November 1995)
The matter in issue was information contained on the applicant's medical records.
Referring to the Information Commissioner's decisions in B and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority (1994) 1 QAR 279 and F and West Moreton Regional Health Authority (1994) 2 QAR 176, the Information Commissioner found that the names and details of other patients, and a residential address, were exempt matter under s.44(1).  The Information Commissioner also found that matter which could reasonably be expected to enable the applicant to identify a person who swore  information which was the basis for the issue of a warrant under s.25 of the Mental Health Act 1974, was exempt matter under s.42(1)(b), s.42(1)(h), s.46(1)(a) and s.46(1)(b).