Burton and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning

Application number:
1993 S0044
Decision date:
Monday, Apr 18, 1994
(1994) 1 QAR 439

Burton and Department of Housing, Local Government and Planning
(1993 S0044, 18 April 1994)


This is another case illustrating the principles set out in B and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority (1994) 1 QAR 279.  The applicant had complained to the respondent about a neighbour who was a residential tenant of the respondent.  The information in issue had been obtained from a third party for the purposes of the respondent's investigation of the applicant's complaint about the applicant's neighbour.  The Information Commissioner had to consider whether the information in issue was exempt under s.46(1)(a) and s.46(1)(b).


The Information Commissioner also found that part of the information in issue related to the personal affairs of persons other than the applicant, since it related to the domestic circumstances and domestic responsibilities of those persons, and considered the application of s.44(1).