Campbell and Intellectually Disabled Citizens Council of Queensland

Application number:
1996 S0049
Decision date:
Wednesday, Oct 08, 1997
Campbell and Intellectually Disabled Citizens Council of Queensland
(1996 S0049, 8 October 1997)
The applicant sought access to documents held by the Council concerning her adult daughter.
Applying the principles stated in
Stewart and Department of Transport (1993) 1 QAR 227, McEniery and Medical Board of Queensland (1994) 1 QAR 349 and B and Brisbane North Regional Health Authority(1994) 1 QAR 279, the Information Commissioner found that the matter remaining in issue was exempt matter under s.44(1) or s.42(1)(b) or s.46(1)(b) of the FOI Act, with the exception of a small amount of matter on one page which the Information Commissioner found was not exempt under any of those provisions. The Information Commissioner recognised the public interest in the accountability of the Council to the public for its services to its 'clients'. However, in the circumstances of this case, the Information Commissioner did not consider that disclosure of the matter in issue would advance that public interest in any substantive way.