AJD and Department of Police
AJD and Queensland Police Service
(2005 F0221, 29 September 2005)
Amendment of document
The applicant sought amendment, under s.53 of the FOI Act, of his criminal history record in the form of adding to references to two offences of "possession of a dangerous drug", details of the type of drug and the quantity of drug involved.
Applying the principles stated in Dimitrijev and Education Queensland (S 224/99, 31 May 2000, unreported), Assistant Commissioner Moss found that the respondent had discharged its obligation to accurately record the offences with which the applicant had been charged; that there was no requirement upon the respondent to record details of the type or quantity of drugs involved in the offences; and that the information in question was not inaccurate, incomplete or misleading. AC Moss therefore affirmed the respondent's decision that the applicant was not entitled to correction or amendment of the relevant information under s.53 of the FOI Act.