Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Office of the Public Advocate [2022] QICmr 1 (19 January 2022)

Application number:
Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Office of the Public Advocate
Decision date:
Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - SCOPE OF APPLICATION - IRRELEVANT INFORMATION -information outside of the subject matter - whether information may be deleted on the basis that it is irrelevant to the terms of the application - section 73 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - EXEMPT INFORMATION - INVESTIGATION BY A PRESCRIBED CRIME BODY - information obtained, used or prepared by a prescribed crime body for an investigation in performance of prescribed functions - whether exempt information to which access may be refused - sections 47(3)(a) and 48 and schedule 3, section 10(4) of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)