Freedom of Information Act 1992
Reprinted as in force on 1 July 2009
The reprints used for the Office of the Information Commissioner’s annotated version of the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (Qld), RTI Act and IP Act (annotated legislation) are sourced from, and used with the permission of, the Office of The Queensland Parliamentary Counsel. The annotated legislation is updated from time to time to incorporate significant amendments. The current reprint of the FOI Act is available from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel.
An Act to require information concerning documents held by government to be made available to members of the community, to enable members of the community to obtain access to documents held by government and to enable members of the community to ensure that documents held by the government concerning their personal affairs are accurate, complete, up-to-date and not misleading, and for related purposes.
Annotations highlighted.