Decision writing video

This training video is for individuals who write decisions under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). The content has been specifically designed for the right to information environment.

The reasons for a decision are not just the conclusion or the outcome of the matter but should adequately explain the analysis which led to the conclusion or outcome. As a result, reasons identify the parties, crystallise the issues, accurately set out the relevant facts, and explain the conclusion in light of the applicable law and the arguments of the parties involved. In doing this, the reasons should be written in a style and manner that aids understanding with due consideration to the reader.

The video will cover:

  • What is decision writing?
  • Why is it important?
  • Why do we provide reasons for our decisions?
  • How do we write a decision notice under the RTI/IP Acts?


00:00 Introduction
00:41 What is decision writing?
01:20 Why are reasons for decisions important?
04:00 Why do we provide reasons for decisions? (part 1)
05:33 Who is the audience?
07:35 Why do we provide reasons for decisions? (part 2)
09:37 What is a material fact?
11:42 What constitutes evidence?
15:19 Apply the law to the facts
18:50 How to write a decision notice
26:52 What does it look like?
32:00 End


Decision writing template (PDF, 419.88 KB)

Decision writing infographic
(PDF, 1047.67 KB)