What the OIC can help with

The Queensland Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) reviews decisions made by Queensland government agencies and Ministers made under the Queensland Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) and mediates privacy complaints made to agencies and Ministers under the IP Act, as explained in these information sheets:

Other organisations who can help

If you need help with other issues, one of these organisations may be able to assist you.



Find a lawyer or legal advice

Queensland Law Society
Telephone: 1300 367 757
Email: info@qls.com.au

Legal Aid Queensland
Telephone: 1300 651 188

National Association of Community Legal Services
Telephone: (02) 9264 9595

Privacy complaints about Commonwealth government agencies

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

Complaints about Commonwealth government agency decisions

Commonwealth Ombudsman
Telephone: 1300 362 072

Privacy complaints about a private health service provider

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

Complaints about a doctor or private health care provider (not privacy related)

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Telephone: 1300 419 495

Health Ombudsman
Telephone: 133 646
Email: info@oho.qld.gov.au

Complaints about Queensland government agency actions or decisions

Queensland Ombudsman
Telephone: (07) 3005 7000 or 1800 068 908
Email: ombudsman@ombudsman.qld.gov.au

Concerns about corruption by politicians or public sector officers, including misconduct by Queensland police

Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC)
Telephone: (07) 3360 6060 or 1800 061 611 Email: mailbox@ccc.qld.gov.au

Raise an issue about financial waste and mismanagement by a Queensland government agency

Queensland Audit Office
Telephone: (07) 3149 6000
Email: qao@qao.qld.gov.auRaise an issue
Report a cybercrime, incident, or vulnerability

Australian Cyber Security Centre
Telephone: 1300 292 371 | Make a report

Report a scamScamwatch
Report a scam by submitting this online form

Complaints about real estate agents

Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ)
Telephone: (07) 3249 7347 | Email: reception@reiq.com.au
(Note: only accepts complaints from REIQ members)

Office of Fair Trading
Telephone: 13 74 68
Email: Brisbane.OFT@justice.qld.gov.au

Complaints about Queensland lawyers

Legal Services Commission
Telephone: 3406 7737 or 1300 655 754

Direct marketing or spam emails

Australian Communications and Media Authority
Email: report@submit.spam.acma.gov.au

Complaints about private sector employers, working conditions, and unfair dismissal

Fair Work Ombudsman
Telephone: 13 13 94

Fair Work Commission
Telephone: 1300 799 675

Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Telephone: 1300 592 987

Complaints about human rights, discrimination, sexual harassment, vilification and victimisation

Queensland Human Rights Commission
Telephone: 1300 130 670
Email: info@qhrc.qld.gov.au

Complaints about goods or services purchased from a business

Office of Fair Trading
Telephone: 13 74 68
Email: Brisbane.OFT@justice.qld.gov.au

Concerns about marketplace competition, consumer protection, fair trading and product safety

Australian Complaints Commission
Telephone: 1300 302 502 | Make an enquiry

Complaints about banks, insurance or other financial services

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Telephone: 1800 931 678
Email: info@acfa.org.au

Complaints about energy or water providers

Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Telephone: 1800 662 837
Email: complaints@ewoq.com.au

Complaints about telephone or internet service providers

The Telecommunications Ombudsman
Telephone: 1800 062 058
Email: tio@tio.com.au

Current as at: September 25, 2023