Right to Information Day 2014 (28 September)
Right to Information Day is celebrated annually across Australia and around the world on 28 September.
Queensland marks this occasion by acknowledging the contribution of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) to facilitating greater and easier access to government-held information.
This year is the fifth anniversary of the introduction of the RTI Act in Queensland.
We’re marking Right to Information Day 2014 under the theme:
‘Easier access. Better decisions. Greater accountability.’
In 2014 we’re working closely with Queensland government agencies and private sector organisations to encourage them to highlight their commitment to right to information and open government.
The Solomon Lecture
We are also presenting the annual Solomon Lecture. Named after Dr David Solomon, who reviewed Queensland’s FOI laws in 2008, the lecture this year features digital technology commentator Ms Anni Rowland-Campbell, who will explore 21st century government as a “social machine” and consider how such machines harness digital technologies in order to deliver better business practices and enable better accountability and transparency.