The history of celebrating information access rights
On 28 September 2002 Freedom of Information organisations from countries around the world created a network of Freedom of Information Advocates (FOIA Network) and agreed to collaborate in promoting individuals’ right of access to information and open, transparent governance. The FOI Network proposed that 28 September be nominated as international "Right to Know Day" in order to symbolise the global movement for promoting the right to information.
Right to Know Day went on to become much bigger than a right of access. It also promoted the value of reusing government data in innovative and engaging ways. It was a day where citizens and governments from around the world could support and promote open, democratic societies with full citizen empowerment and participation in government.
For many years Queensland marked this occasion as Right to Information Day, in acknowledgment of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and its contribution to facilitating greater and easier access to government held information.
From 2020, Queensland celebrates International Access to Information Day (IAI Day) which replaces Right to Information Day. While the intent is still the same, the name change brings greater consistency across Australia and with the United Nations.
IAI Day continues to raise awareness about access to government information and the importance for agencies to build good practices into their day-to-day activities. It allows public service agencies to show leadership in this area and that they value a work culture which encourages proactive disclosure.
The Solomon Lecture
The annual Solomon Lecture honours Dr David Solomon AM, Chairman of the 2007-08 Independent Freedom of Information Review Panel which led to Queensland’s right to information and information privacy reforms. Read more about past Solomon Lectures.