Privacy Awareness Week 2018
Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is an annual event for the Asia Pacific region providing an opportunity for individuals and government agencies to promote a culture that protects and respects the privacy of individuals’ personal information and to more generally raise privacy awareness.
This year, under the theme ‘Value personal data – it’s worth protecting’ we encouraged members of the community and public servants to value personal information through a better understanding of their privacy rights and responsibilities. Information is powerful so it’s important the public sector know their privacy responsibilities. This will allow agencies to shift from simply complying with the legislation to embedding a culture that protects and respects personal data.
On 14 May 2018, PAW was officially launched by the Hon Yvette D’Ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice.
Welcome and introduction – Mr. Phillip Green- 4:30
Official launch - The Hon Yvette D'Ath MP - 4:38
Queensland Aftermath Report 2018 – Professor David Lacey - 30:06
Data availability and use – Mr. Paul McCarney - 48:35
Thank you and close – Mr. Philip Green- 54:17