Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Strategic plan 2023-2027 (PDF, 119.65 KB)
Building trust through transparency
- Respectful
- Collaborative
- Focused
- Innovative
As a contemporary regulator, we independently uphold and promote information access and privacy rights to:
- promote and support agency leadership, innovation and capability in privacy by design and adoption of the push model
- collaborate and innovate to achieve regulatory objectives
- provide an independent, accessible, equitable and timely service for the community
- be strategic and focused on high risk and high impact compliance and assurance activities
- work with agencies to ensure decision makers have the appropriate skills, knowledge and resources to deliver quality information access and privacy outcomes for Queenslanders
- provide expert advice on proposed legislative reform, policy and initiatives to inform the community, Parliament and government about impacts and better practices.
- Champion enduring cultural change for a transparent and accountable government
- Implement an effective Mandatory Data Breach Notification Scheme for Queensland
- Invest in a future fit OIC Workforce and ICT resources
- Maximise effectiveness
- Foster an adaptable and agile culture
- Exercise strong governance and sustainability
Provide independent, timely and fair reviews of decisions made under the RTI Act and IP Act
Our strategies
- Resolve external review applications using flexible approaches and clear, tailored communication
- Determine external review applications through formal written decisions where required
- Maintain effective case and knowledge management systems to support quality resolution and decision-making services
- Identify and implement strategies to ensure equitable and timely access to review services for all applicants, especially when experiencing high demand and challenging conduct by review participants
Our success measures
- Percentage of external review applications finalised to received (100%)
- Applicant overall satisfaction with the service provided in assessment and conduct of external review of agency and Minister decisions about access to and amendment of government held information under the RTI and IP Acts (70%)
- Percentage of agencies satisfied with the external review service (75%)
- Percentage of open review applications over 12 months old at the end of reporting period (0%)
- Percentage of finalised external review applications resolved informally without a decision (75%)
- Mean average days to finalise an external review (150 days)
Assist agencies to adopt privacy by design and achieve compliance with the privacy principles
Our strategies
- Promote privacy by design and Privacy Impact Assessments, including training, guidance and tools
- Provide independent expert advice and assistance to agencies
- Promote the benefits of engaging privacy services early
- Continue to develop the leadership network of agency RTI and Privacy Champions at a senior level across sectors, consistent with good practice recommendations and models
- Champion a contemporary privacy regime which supports transparent and effective privacy rights
- Provide independent expert advice on proposed legislative reform, policy and initiatives to inform the community, Parliament and government about impacts and privacy by design practices
Our success measures
- Number of consultations and submissions
- Number of advices to, and meetings with, agencies
- Percentage of agency stakeholders satisfied with advice service we provide (75%)
Provide an independent, timely and fair privacy complaint mediation service
Our strategies
- Promote within agencies a culture that recognises the benefit of early resolution of privacy complaints through mediation before formal QCAT proceedings
- Engage with complainants to explain the process, OIC’s role and manage expectations
Our success measures
- Agency overall satisfaction with the privacy complaint mediation service provided (75%)
- Mean average days to finalise an accepted privacy complaint (140 days)
Promote greater awareness of right to information and information privacy in the community and within government | Improve agencies’ practices in right to information and information privacy
Our strategies
- Use a range of communication and engagement initiatives to help the community understand and exercise their information access and privacy rights
- Co-design training and online resources with agencies to increase capability across the sector
- Continue to provide quality information and assistance to both the community and agencies through the Enquiries Service
- Develop and publish relevant, informative and accurate resources to assist agencies and the community to better understand the legislation
- Strengthen key partnerships and strategic networks to build expertise, resources and
achieve better common outcomes - Monitor, audit and report on agencies’ information management and information privacy practices and on their compliance with the legislation
- Make audit recommendations on both specific and systemic matters
- Support agencies to self-assess and improve their performance monitoring of key aspects of RTI and IP to drive leadership focus on action in key risk areas
Our success measures
- Agency overall satisfaction with the information resources provided by OIC (80%)
- Agency overall satisfaction with the OIC Enquiries Service (80%)
- Number of responses to written and oral enquiries (4500)
- Cost of providing advice and guidance per Enquiry Service response (<$55)
- Percentage of training participants satisfied with sessions (75%)
- Number of training participants (4000)
- Number of reports tabled in Parliament (5)
- Number of awareness activities conducted including online interactions (250)
- Number of website visits (150,000)