Processing applications
Agency documents held by third party legal providers
Applications by and for children
Commissions of Inquiry under the RTI Act
Consulting with a relevant third party
Consulting with the Office of the Information Commissioner
Explains why agencies are generally not required to consult with the OIC.
Fees and charges
How to calculate timeframes
Managing access to Digital Video Recordings
Post-application documents
To help decision makers understand post-application documents, when they are appropriate, and when documents created under section 68 are not post-application documents
Processing Applications from Prisoners
Online and on your phone: processing access applications for social media, webmail and text messages
Routine personal work information of public sector employees
RTI and documents available through Court processes
Schedule of relevant documents and charges estimate notices
Explains what schedule of relevant documents and charges estimate notices are, when they must be given, what they need to contain and how they fit with the RTI Act's timeframes