Follow-up audit report - Ipswich City Council

This report presents our findings on Ipswich City Council’s progress in implementing the 12 recommendations of our 2017-18 compliance audit with the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

Read the original report (PDF, 1447.26 KB)

We assessed eight recommendations as fully or partially implemented and three recommendations as in progress, based on the work the council has done since our original audit. Most notably, the council:

  • transformed its website and increased proactive disclosure of information online, thus improving its accountability and transparency
  • is raising awareness and educating its employees about their general right to information and information privacy obligations; however, it needs to tailor this training specific to the needs of the council
  • has strengthened its operation and management of its surveillance cameras and portable audio-visual devices
  • has conducted privacy impact assessments of its different camera networks.

There is more work to do to improve the council’s information governance and management. The council has a draft Information and Knowledge Management Strategy and Governance Framework. Overall, the framework is consistent with the aims and objectives of the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009.

The council has not yet classified its information assets to ensure it publishes the maximum amount of significant, appropriate and accurate information. However, it has developed an information asset model as part of the foundation work to begin classifying the information assets and finalising an information asset register.

The council made late and limited progress in implementing one recommendation about dealing with access and amendment applications. There is more to do to ensure that the template notices, manual and work instructions support legislatively compliant application handling.

We urge ICC to continue its efforts to fully implement all recommendations. This will enhance its openness, transparency and accountability, and support legislatively compliant processes.

Read the full report. (PDF, 644.78 KB)