Our performance

We measure our execution of these services against a number of metrics to ensure we deliver on their requirements effectively.

Data prior to the current financial year can be viewed in more detail, including explanatory text, in our annual reports.

Terms of use

The data presented against our services is rudimentary. When determining trends consideration should be given to potential internal and external factors which may have influenced results. Further information is available in our site disclaimer.

Questions or feedback

The Office of the Information Commissioner is committed to promoting open, transparent and accountable government. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback on our performance dashboard please contact feedback@oic.qld.gov.au

Provide independent, timely and fair reviews of decisions made under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)

Service metricTarget Past results Current year progress
2020-212021-222022-23 Year to Mar 2024 On track to meet target?
Percentage of external reviews resolved informally without a written decision, compared to the total number of finalised reviews 75% 90% 89% 90%90% Yes
Percentage of external review applications finalised to received. 100% 110% 107% 94%96% Yes
Service metricTarget Past results Current year progress
2020-212021-222022-23 Year to Mar 2024
Number of reviews received 787 685 606628514
Number of reviews finalised 300 753 650 589512

Assist agencies to achieve compliance with the privacy principles

Service metric Year to Mar 2024
Number of consultations and submissions 51
Number of advices and meetings 81

Provide an independent, timely and fair privacy complaint mediation service

Service metricTarget Past results Current year progress
2020-212021-222022-23 Year to Mar 2024 On track to meet target?
Mean average days to finalise an accepted privacy complaint* 140 278 257 137146.9Yes
Number of privacy complaints received N/A 81 69 13365Yes
Number of privacy complaints finalised N/A 84 68 12577Yes

*In 2018-19 the target for this service metric increased from 90 to 140.

Promote greater awareness of right to information and information privacy in the community and within government

Service metricTarget Past results Current year progress
2020-212021-222022-23 Year to Mar 2024 On track to meet target?
Number of awareness activities conducted^^ 250 321 280 304238 Yes
Number of responses to written and oral enquiries^      4,500 5,693 5,330 5,1904,274 Yes
Number of website visits#       150,000 317,186 317,672 295,270202,486 Yes

^^In 2018-19 the target for this service metric increased from 190 to 250.
^In 2018-19 the target for this service metric increased from 2,500 to 4,500.
#In 2018-19 the target for this service metric increased from 80,000 to 150,000.

Improve agencies’ practices in right to information and information privacy

Service metricTarget Past results Current year progress
2020-212021-222022-23 Year to Mar 2024 On track to meet target?
Number of training participants** 4000 8,738** 8,931 7,9423,032 Yes
Number of reports tabled in Parliament 5 5 2 42 

**In 2018-19 the target for this service metric increased from 500 to 4000.
^ Impacted by COVID-19