Audit report – Disclosure logs - Queensland Government departments
This report presents our findings on how well Queensland Government departments meet the requirements for operating a disclosure log set out in the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld).
Disclosure logs are part of a website that captures documents government agencies have released under the Act. They are a tool that agencies can use to make more information available to the community. This enhances openness and transparency and supports the broader aims of the Act.
The report makes recommendations to all agencies.
Departments maintain mostly compliant disclosure logs but there are gaps. The logs are not always current or complete.
When agencies do not keep their disclosure log up-to-date, they miss out on possible efficiencies in handling access applications. As the community does not have access to timely information, there is a risk that an individual applies to access the same documents.
Almost half the departments consistently link to released documents or explain why they are not publishing them in the disclosure logs. Another seven departments follow this practice but not consistently.
While it is generally easy to find the departments’ disclosure logs on their websites, not all disclosure logs are easy to read or use.
Queensland Government departments must have disclosure logs with specified information. We encourage all agencies to have a disclosure log to support openness and transparency. They should design disclosure logs with the reader in mind, so that the logs are easy to find and use, and contain timely, accurate and useful information.