1.1 Introduction
All employees of the Office of the Information Commissioner (Office) are employed under the Public Service Act 2008 (PSA) or by Governor in Council for Senior Executive appointed staff. Therefore, Office human resource (HR) policies, such as this one, are developed directly from the PSA and policies, procedures and directives issued by the responsible Minister and the Public Service Commissioner. All Office HR policies are approved by the Information Commissioner and are representative of the size and function of the Office.
1.2 Purpose
To prescribe the requirements for first aid administration in the Office including:
- the appointment, training, payment and duties of a First Aid Officer; and
- record keeping requirements.
1.3 Effective Date
Approved by the Acting Information Commissioner on 16 September 2013.
1.4 References
- Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995
- Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 2008
- Public Service Act 2008
- First Aid Code of Practice 2004; and
- Office Workplace Health and Safety Policy.
1.5 Appointment of First Aid Officers
The Information Commissioner may appoint appropriately trained staff as First Aid Officers for the Office. In appointing staff as First Aid Officers, the Information Commissioner will consider the following capabilities:
- ability to remain calm in an emergency;
- reliability;
- ability to complete required studies; and
- ability to use the knowledge and skills gained.
First aid duties can be demanding, both physically and emotionally, and first aid personnel should have the capacities to perform such duties.
The Information Commissioner will also consider the requirements of the Office when appointing First Aid Officers having particular regard to the numbers of First Aid Officers.
1.6 First Aid Allowance
Persons appointed as First Aid Officers by the Information Commissioner will be eligible to be paid a first aid allowance as specified in the Queensland Public Service Award – State - 2003. The allowance is payable when an employee is on approved leave. The allowance is not to be included in the calculation of overtime or leave loading and is not a superannuable allowance.
1.7 Training
The cost of first aid training, including the cost of re-certification, for persons appointed by the Information Commissioner as First Aid Officers will be met by the Office.
First aid training for persons to be appointed as First Aid Officers will be organised by the Office through recognised first aid providers, for example St John’s Ambulance or the Red Cross.
1.8 Duties
First Aid Officers undertake the initial management of persons suffering from injury and illness in the Office. The initial management provided by First Aid Officers should be consistent with their level of training and competence. When the first aid management required is beyond the level of training and competence of First Aid Officers available, they should recommend that the person requiring first aid seek medical assistance.
It is important to recognise that, in some cases, staff who are exposed to or involved in traumatic incidents, such as violence, may suffer psychological trauma. Persons suffering from such trauma should be referred for appropriate treatment as soon as possible to minimise its severity and any long-term effects.
First Aid Officers should familiarise themselves with the Office’s Employee Assistance Service. First Aid Officers are required to:
- undertake the initial treatment of injuries and illnesses occurring at the workplace as required;
- record details of first aid given; and
- participate in courses to maintain their first aid skills at an acceptable level (for example, by attending annual refresher courses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
When providing first aid, it is preferable that a First Aid Officer is accompanied by another Office employee.
When providing first aid, it is also preferable that a First Aid Officer asks the person requiring treatment whether or not they want other persons to be present.
First Aid Officers are not responsible for continuing medical care.
1.9 Confidentiality of Information
Information about the first aid treatment provided to any staff member or visitor is strictly confidential. This information may include details of medical conditions, treatment provided and the results of tests.
Disclosure of this type of information without that person's written consent is unethical and in some cases may be illegal.
1.10 First Aid Kits
One first aid kit is located in the Office’s lunch room.
The content of the first aid kit complies with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety First Aid Advisory Standard 2004. The content of the first aid kit is appropriate for the types of injuries and work caused illnesses likely to occur at the workplace.
First Aid Officers are responsible for the first aid kit. These responsibilities include:
- recommending actions regarding use, contents, modifications, and maintenance;
- ensuring first aid kits are accessible;
- checking and replenishing contents; and
- ensuring equipment and contents are within the ‘use by’ dates.
1.11 Record Keeping
Work injuries and work caused illnesses must be recorded in the approved form for recording and notification. This form, the Incident Notification Form, is at Attachment B.
Any first aid provided by a First Aid Officer must also be reported on the First Aid Form a copy of which is attached as Attachment A (PDF, 222.5 KB). The First Aid Form is to be completed by the person administering first aid and should be completed as soon as possible after first aid is provided.
A copy of a First Aid Form should accompany the person who has received first aid if the person is being transferred to a local medical service or hospital.
A person provided with first aid should be given a copy of the First Aid Form or have access to that record on request.
The original First Aid Form is to be forwarded to the Director, Engagement and Corporate Services (DECS) to be retained in a secure location.
Download the First Aid and Incident Notification forms (PDF, 222.5 KB)