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1 Refuse access because other access available

Guidelines for government

Refuse access because other access available. Loading. Disclaimer. Please make sure you have read our disclaimer.

2 Step-by-step guide to Privacy Impact Assessments

Guidelines for government

A guide to step you through the process of completing a Privacy Impact Assessment.

3 Eligible family members

Guidelines for government

Eligible family members. The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) recognise the ‘eligible family member’. 1. of a deceased person. This phrase appears in relation to information that would, if a

4 What is personal information - checklist

Guidelines for government

If you need to determine if information is or is not personal information use this checklist.

5 Neither confirm nor deny - checklist

Guidelines for government

Neither confirm nor deny checklist will assist to determine whether an agency is entitled to neither confirm nor deny the existence of a document.

6 Key privacy concepts - use

Guidelines for government

Key privacy concepts - use. Overview. The Key Privacy Concepts guidelines explain important words and phrases used in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act). They are intended to assist in the interpretation and application of the privacy

7 Deletion of irrelevant information

Guidelines for government

Deletion of irrelevant information. The Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act). 1. provides a right of access to documents of an agency and Minister. 2. Because the right of access is to documents rather than information the RTI Act allows

8 Exempt information - Overview

Guidelines for government

Exempt information - Overview. Introduction. If a request for information is made to an agency,. 1. the agency or Minister must decide to give access to the information unless giving access would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest. 2.

9 Basic guide to NPPs 5-8 - Access, amendment and anonymity

Guidelines for government

Basic guide to NPPs 5-8 - Access, amendment and anonymity. Openness. Health agencies. 1. must have policies regarding their management of personal information and these policies must be available upon request. Where an individual specifically

10 How to balance the public interest

Guidelines for government

How to balance the public interest. The Right to Information Act 2009. 1. (Qld) (RTI Act) gives people the right to access documents in the possession or control of Queensland government agencies. 2. This right of access is subject to some

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