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Displaying search results 61 - 70 of 387 for

61 Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions


Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions. McKenzie v Department of Social Security (1986) 65 ALR 645. The Federal Court considered whether a false allegation that a woman receiving a deserted wives' pension was married, constituted

62 Relevance to the RTI Act


Relevance to the RTI Act. Schedule 3, section 11 of the RTI Act retains this exemption with one key alteration from the repealed FOI Act; under the RTI Act exemption, matter is not exempt after 8 years from the last written communication between the

63 Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions


Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions. Chapman v Commissioner of Police [2004] NSWADT 35 (20 February 2004). This decision considered the application of an exemption in the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) similar to that contained in

64 Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions


Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions. O’Chee v Rowley [2000] 1 Qd R 207. This case considered parliamentary privilege in the context of a defamation action. McPherson and Moynihan JJ were satisfied that a Senator’s procuring, obtaining

65 Relevance to the RTI Act


Relevance to the RTI Act. Schedule 4, part 4 of the RTI Act lists factors favouring nondisclosure in the public interest because of public interest harm in disclosure. Schedule 4, part 4, section 1 of the RTI Act replicates section 38 of the FOI Act

66 Overview of Section 43 FOI Act


Overview of Section 43 FOI Act. Section summary. Matter will be exempt matter if it would be privileged from disclosure in a legal proceeding on the basis of legal professional privilege (LPP). The doctrine of LPP is both a rule of evidence and a

67 Examples of Section 85 Notices


Examples of Section 85 Notices. Examples of Section 85 Notices (PDF, 16.75 KB). Last updated: May 18, 2012. Loading. Disclaimer. Please make sure you have read our disclaimer.

68 Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions


Relevant decisions from other jurisdictions. Herbert and Ministry of Housing [2000] WAICmr 41. This decision considered the application of a similar exemption under Western Australian legislation. Schedule 1, clause 5(1)(f) of the Freedom of

69 Overview of Section 45(3) FOI Act


Overview of Section 45(3) FOI Act. Section summary. A matter is exempt if its disclosure:. would disclose the purpose or results of research at any stage, whether or not started or completed; and. could reasonably be expected to have an adverse

70 Overview of Section 47(1)(a) FOI Act


Overview of Section 47(1)(a) FOI Act. Section summary. Matter is exempt if its disclosure could reasonably be expected to have a substantial adverse effect on the ability of government to manage the economy of the State, unless disclosing the matter

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