Key published decisions applying of Schedule 3, section 10(1)(h) RTI Act
The access applicant sought access to certain information concerning the profit, taxes and turnover of gaming machines in Queensland hotels, clubs and casinos.
On external review, the Right to Information Commissioner affirmed the Department’s decision to grant the access applicant full access to the relevant document.
In finding that the relevant document was not exempt from disclosure under section 47(3)(a) and schedule 3, sections 10(1)(c) and 10(1)(h), the Right to Information Commissioner considered similar information that was publicly available, the age of the information in issue and the existing likelihood of criminal activity at relevant venues. The Right to Information Commissioner was not satisfied that disclosure of the relevant document would result in an increased likelihood of criminal activity which could reasonably be expected to endanger a person’s life or physical safety or the security of a building, structure or vehicle.
Last updated: May 28, 2013