Submission to Education, Employment & Training Committee - Inquiry into Corrective Services (Emerging Technologies and Security)

OIC provided a submission to Parliament’s Education, Employment and Training Committee on the inquiry into Corrective Services (Emerging Technologies and Security) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022. OIC’s submissions focus on the following amendments to the Corrective Services Act 2006 (CSA) as proposed in the Bill:

  • Clauses 16-20 and 36 of the Bill, intended to provide clear authority for the use of x-ray body scanners, body-worn cameras (BWCs) and other emerging technologies within corrective service facilities, to maintain safety and monitor threats; and
  • Clauses 31-32, which propose to enhance information sharing powers, to promote prisoner health and wellbeing, support frontline service delivery and interagency collaboration.

Read the full submission (PDF, 369.46 KB).