X76 and Trade and Investment Queensland [2021] QICmr 25 (3 June 2021)

Application number:
Trade and Investment Queensland
Decision date:
Thursday, Jun 03, 2021

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - EXEMPT INFORMATION - LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE - communications between agency staff and legal advisers - whether information would be privileged from production in a legal proceeding on the ground of legal professional privilege - waiver - whether information exempt under section 48 and schedule 3, section 7 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) - whether access may be refused under section 67(1) of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and section 47(3)(a) of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - CONTRARY TO PUBLIC INTEREST INFORMATION - internal staff email relating to workplace investigation - accountability and transparency - protecting personal information and privacy of an individual who was the subject of unsubstantiated allegations - whether disclosure would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest - whether access may be refused under section 67(1) of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) sections 47(3)(b) of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)