Webber and Queensland Audit Office

Application number:
2000 S0081
Decision date:
Thursday, Sep 13, 2001

Webber and Queensland Audit Office
(2000 S0081, 13 September 2001) 

In this case, the Assistant Commissioner applied the interpretation of s.39(2) of the FOI Act which had been stated by Commissioner Albietz in Whittaker and Queensland Audit Office (2000 S0093, 15 June 2001, unreported), and affirmed on judicial review by Moynihan J of the Supreme Court: see Whittaker v Information Commissioner and Another [2001] QSC 325. 

The Assistant Commissioner found that the disclosure of the matter remaining in issue was prohibited by s.92 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977, and that disclosure was not required by a compelling reason in the public interest.