QZ and Medical Board of Queensland

Application number:
Decision date:
Wednesday, Oct 25, 2006

QZ and Medical Board of Queensland
(210016, 25 October 2006)

Legal professional privilege – section 43(1)

The applicant sought access to letters between the Medical Board of Queensland (MBQ) and its solicitors, a memo from MBQ’s solicitors to MBQ, parts of emails between MBQ and its solicitors, and parts of minutes of MBQ meetings detailing legal advice obtained from its solicitors.

Assistant Commissioner Henry affirmed MBQ’s internal review decision and found that legal professional privilege attached to all of the matter in issue.  In relation to the parts of minutes of MBQ meetings, AC Henry noted that the minutes were records of necessary circulation of privileged legal advice internally within the MBQ and were fairly described as being records of privileged legal advice.