K Ahern and Brisbane City Council [2023] QICmr 33 (30 June 2023)

Application number:
K Ahern
Brisbane City Council
Decision date:
Friday, Jun 30, 2023

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - NONEXISTENT OR UNLOCATABLE - whether agency has taken all reasonable steps to locate requested documents - whether access to further documents can be refused on the ground they are nonexistent or unlocatable under sections 47(3)(e) and 52(1) of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - CONTRARY TO PUBLIC INTEREST - applicant contends information in issue is the name of a former Councillor - personal information and privacy of individuals other than the applicant - whether disclosure of information would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest - sections 47(3)(b) and 49 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)