FMG and Queensland Police Service
(1998 S0176, 9 April 1999)
The matter in issue in this external review was identical to that dealt with in the Information Commissioner's decision in FMG and Queensland Police Service (1997 S0069, 24 April 1998) in which the Information Commissioner had determined that audio tapes and transcripts of an interview between police and two children, concerning allegations of child neglect, were exempt from disclosure to their father under s.44(1) of the FOI Act.
This application was brought in the names of the children themselves. However, after considering all the material available to me, and the conduct of the application itself (which was clearly undertaken by the father), the Information Commissioner was not satisfied that it was a bona fide application by the children in their own interests.
As it involved the same matter in issue as in the previous external review application by the father, the Information Commissioner decided, under s.77(1) of the FOI Act, not to review the matter further on the basis that the application for review was vexatious, misconceived and lacking in substance.