Right to Information Day is celebrated annually across Australia and around the world on 28 September.
Queensland marks this occasion by acknowledging the contribution of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) to facilitating greater and easier access to government-held information.
This year’s theme ’A right to information. Play your part’, promotes the importance of information access rights and responsibilities. It highlights that through making information more accessible, government services can be delivered more effectively.
In 2015 we’re working closely with Queensland government agencies and private sector organisations to encourage them to highlight their commitment to right to information and open government.
To mark Right to Information Day, we are also presenting the annual Solomon Lecture, which is named after Dr David Solomon, who reviewed Queensland’s FOI laws in 2008. This year’s lecture features Australian National University’s Emeritus Professor, Richard Mulgan. Professor Mulgan will explore the beneficial effects of greater transparency in public and private sectors.