The Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) is committed to making its data available free to the community to support open, accountable and transparent government. Open Data is an important part of proactive disclosure of government-held information, and is consistent with Queensland public sector agencies’ obligations under the Right to Information Act 2009.
This Open Data Strategy sets out a four year plan of how OIC will support the Queensland Government’s Open Data initiative by publishing datasets held by OIC. It also explains how OIC will embed a culture of ‘share first’ and ‘needing to share’ its data through the whole-of-Government open data portal for the benefit of the Queensland community and private enterprise.
The short term goal is to identify appropriate datasets that can easily be made available to the general public. The long term goal is to identify opportunities to expand on the datasets listed in Appendix 1. The Open Data Strategy will be reviewed annually to ensure it is meeting this purpose.
OIC holds limited data due to the nature of its functions and size. In addition to data of a corporate nature, OIC holds data collected or produced in relation to performance monitoring activities, training and support activities, and external review and privacy complaint functions. A large proportion of review and complaint data is not suitable for release due to legal requirements.
We prioritise for early release, but not limit consideration to, datasets that will provide value to the public, such as those that have one or more of the following characteristics:
So users of our data can do so effectively, OIC will ensure the data it releases will:
OIC’s focus on data release will be driven by user need and opportunities to improve data quality by:
Open data concepts and practices will be communicated to existing staff via induction, the Intranet and other appropriate internal communication channels.
OIC values feedback and interaction with clients and stakeholders. All feedback, requests for data or general enquiries will be managed in accordance with the OIC Client Service Charter.
Telephone: (07) 3234 7373 (AEST)
Postal address:
Office of the Information Commissioner
PO Box 10143
Adelaide Street
Queensland 4000
Office location:
Level 11
53 Albert Street Brisbane
Queensland 4000
Dataset | Description | Status | Frequency of Update | Open Access |
OIC Gifts and Benefits Register | List of gifts and benefits received by OIC staff | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Consultancies and contractors | List of consultancies and contractors engaged by OIC | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Overseas travel | List of overseas travel by OIC staff | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Workforce data | Representation of women/men (permanent position) disaggregated by annual earnings | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Performance dashboard | Details of achieved performance levels for four core services | Available | Monthly | Yes |
Customer satisfaction survey results - agencies | Aggregated results of survey of agencies of satisfaction regarding OIC services | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Customer satisfaction survey results - applicants | Aggregated results of survey of external review applicants for reviews finalised in previous calendar year | Available | Yearly | Yes |
10 years on - Results of 2018 Electronic audit of agency implementation of right to information and information privacy obligations | Detailed results of the 2018 electronic audit | Available | As conducted - approx. three yearly | Yes |
Camera surveillance and privacy survey results 2015 | Detailed results of agency camera surveillance and privacy survey results | Available | As conducted | Yes |
Results of the 2013-14 desk top agency audit | Detailed results of the 2013-14 desk top audit | Available | As conducted | Yes |
Results of 2013 Electronic audit of agency implementation of right to information and information privacy obligations | Detailed results of the 2013 electronic audit | Available | As conducted – approx. three yearly | Yes |
Training participant survey results | Aggregated OIC training participant survey results for online training courses [and workshops, webinars, training held by OIC] | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Results of 2010-11 electronic audit of Agency progress on Right to Information reforms | Detailed results of the 2010-11 electronic audit | Available | As conducted – approx. three yearly | Yes |
Desktop audit of agencies | List of agencies audited each financial year by desktop audit and type of review | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Results of 2010 Survey of Public Sector Attitudes to Right to Information (XLS, 72 KB) | Detailed results of 2010 Survey of Public Sector Attitudes to Right to Information | Available | As conducted | Yes |
Results of the 2010 Survey of Public Awareness of RTI reforms (XLS, 58.5 KB) | Detailed results of 2010 Survey of Public Awareness of RTI reforms | Available | As conducted | Yes |
Category and number of external review applications | Number of external review applications by type of application for review including historical data | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Number of external review applications received including ‘deemed decisions’ | Number of external review applications received including number and percentage of ‘deemed decisions’, including historical data | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Profile of external review applicants making applications | Number of external review applicants by category of applicant making applications including historical data | Available | Yearly | Yes |
External Review applications received by agency profile | Number of external review applications received from different agency sectors | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Outcome of external reviews | Number of external review applications by outcome of review | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Applications for external review by agency | Number of applications for external review about specific agencies | Available | Yearly | Yes |
Outcomes for external review decisions | Type of outcome and legislative provision for decisions to refuse access to documents under the RTI Act or the IP Act | Available | Yearly | Yes |