Published on
Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland
Annotated legislation
Freedom of Information
Part 4 Amendment of information (53-60)
Division 1 Application for amendment of information (53-59)
Division 1 Application for amendment of information (53-59)
53 Person may apply for amendment of information
54 Form of application for amendment of information
54A Transfer of applications
54B Refusal to deal with application-agency’s or Minister’s functions
54C What an agency or Minister must do before refusing to deal with application under s 54B
54D Refusal to deal with application-previous application for same amendment
54E Discretion to amend information
55 Amendment of information by alteration or notation
56 Notation to information
57 Time within which agency or Minister must notify applicant
57A Extended processing period
58 Decision to be made by authorised person and reasons given
59 Particular notations required to be added